Page 19 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
P. 19
Gift Aid
This is a short article to help explain a bit about gift aid.
Charities, like the NVS,
benefit every year with Gift Aid contribution received from
HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) based on our annual Gift Aid declaration. In 2021, the NVS received over £3,000 from HMRC and we would like to thank all our members who agreed to Gift Aid.
on-line for Gift Aid agreement is also acceptable.
A few key things that you need to consider regarding Gift Aid:
1) you cannot agree to claiming gift
aid if you are a junior member, organisation or educational establishment. So only single members and/or joint members may agree to claim.
2) If you have agreed to Gift aid and your circumstances change e.g. you are no longer a UK tax payer OR your tax contributions drop as per item 3 below then you MUST let us know so that we can update your gift aid details within the membership system OR you can do this yourself via your account preferences.
3) if you have agreed to gift aid and are a UK Taxpayer but you pay less Income tax and/or Capital
Gains tax in a year than the amount being claimed on your gift aid contributions, then it is your responsibility to pay any difference. Example if you pay a £20 subscription, the NVS would look to claim £4 back for that year. If you however pay income tax which
is less than £4 a year, then you would be responsible for making up the difference between your tax payment amount and the £4.
If you are not sure of your own current gift aid status, you can either check on-line via your NVS user account or if you are not comfortable with using a computer/ going on-line or
have not yet set up a user account, please contact us and we
can check and let you know.
Currently 35 % of our single and joint members have
agreed to the NVS claiming gift aid, so we would encourage you to check and help support our charity whereby we can claim Gift Aid from HMRC.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can tick the gift aid box on your manual renewal form and/or click on the gift aid donation box with your account details on the NVS website. By you doing this, it affects nothing regarding your own tax payments, but what this means for the NVS is that if you tick the gift aid box, the NVS can claim back 25% of your membership contribution payment and also 25% of any donations
you may have given
the NVS from HMRC
through Gift Aid. We
do this by submitting
a Gift Aid declaration,
which is basically
a secure list of our
members who have
agreed to claim gift
aid and the amount
that they paid the NVS
within that year. From
the declaration that
we submit, the government then gives payment equivalent to 25% of the total amount to the NVS. This
is subsequently distributed to each of our 5 branches
which helps towards
the running of each
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can tick the gift aid box on your manual renewal form
For your
information, the NVS
uses what we call a
‘Multiple Donation
form’, which means
that you only ever
need to fill the gift
aid form in once, as
it makes reference to
the initial donation
and all future
donations from that date. FYI, the government rules changed recently to say that a signature is no longer required on a paper form, so this essentially means that our new system which contains the option
35 % of our single and joint members have agreed to the NVS claiming gift aid
judge and a deliberate fault class where the candidates are required to identify the faults on 3 different vegetables and how they could be prevented.
A big thankyou to all who provided veg, monitored the theory test, helped set up the practical exhibits and collections, & thanks to Alistair Gray and Jim Mercer
for pre- judging the exhibits
on the day and, of course, Jim Williams, Chairman of the Judges examination board, along with the judges panel for setting the exam and marking the papers, a great team effort and a great result.
For your information, every year, it is planned that each of the five branches hold the judges exam on the same day (assuming there is a sufficient number of candidates in each area). The 2022 judges exam will be held on Oct 1st. If you
are interested in finding out more about becoming an NVS judge Jim Williams will soon be giving a Zoom talk on Judging which will give you a good insight. You also contact your local branch, Jim Williams (contact details on page 3), or enquire via the NVS web site to find out more and for you to gain assistance and local mentoring. Don’t forget to check the NVS web site for Jim’s Zoom talk and book a slot.
Simply Vegetables 19