Page 56 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
P. 56
North East Derbyshire DA
Our 42nd DA show was held on Sunday 5th September. The number of exhibitors and exhibits were slightly down compared to our last two shows.
Hopefully now we’re coming out
of lockdown and the public starting
to grow in confidence to meeting in groups again, then exhibitors and exhibits should increase to what
we usually get. The quality of the exhibits was exceptional, and again considering the uncertainty that’s surrounded the growing season it came as a pleasant surprise that the show benches were well adorned with top quality vegetables. NEDDA would also like to pass on their thanks & appreciation to all 3 judges (Malcolm Evans FNVS, David Allison FNVS
& David Thornton FNVS) for their contributions which helped make the show a success.
The NVS Silver Medal was awarded to Mick Shipley for his set of two Carmen cucumbers.
The Shrewsbury Trophy (Most Points in Show) went to Phil Burgess.
The two photos from our D.A. show
depict: trophy winners, from left to right; John Goodall, Ian Brown, Claire Hicken, Jeff Parsons, John Croot,
Phil Burgess, Dave Goodwin, Mick
Shipley and Phil Burgess collecting the Shrewsbury Trophy from long- time NVS member & Judge Mr Gerald Treweek
Trophy winners from the North East Derbyshire DA Show
Coalite Top Tray – 5 different kinds of vegetables 2 of each kind
Jeff Parsons
John Goodall
Phil Burgess
NE Derbyshire Onion Championship – 5 onions to exceed 250g
Phil Burgess
Dave Goodwin
Claire Hicken
NE Derbyshire Potato Championship – 3 dishes of 4 potatoes 3 different kinds
Ian Brown
John Goodall
NE Derbyshire Blanch Leek Championship – 3 Blanch Leeks
Claire Hicken
John Croot
Jeff Parsons
Eric Smith Trophy – 1 Onion 1 Leek
Claire Hicken
Padley & Venables Trophy – 3 kinds of vegetables 2 of each kind
Claire Hicken
Phil Burgess
Graham Wagstaffe
Bill Taylor Trophy – 5 onions 250 grams
Dave Goodwin
Graham Wagstaffe
Graham Wagstaffe
Armillatox Shield – 2 cauliflowers
Mick Shipley
Mick Doheny
Select Seeds Trophy – 3 onions over 908g – 3 onions 250-908g – 3 onions 250g
Phil Burgess
Millennium Class
John Croot
Phil Burgess
John Goodall
NVS Sponsored Class Tap Root Collection
John Goodall
Mick Shipley
Jeff Parsons
NE Derbyshire Top Tray John Ramsell Trophy
John Croot
Claire Hicken
Phil Burgess
56 Simply Vegetables
It’s a big thank you to all who helped in organising the show, setting up the venue etc. and particularly to the most important ones; the wives & partners for providing the buffet and refreshments.
Looking forward: The D.A. will continue to hold their monthly meetings at Pleasley Miners Welfare on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (except September & December). A list of speakers and events for 2022 will be advertised when available. Our 2022 season will start with the AGM at the above venue on the provisional date of Wednesday19th January.
Mick Shipley