Page 58 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
P. 58
West Yorkshire DA
Our meetings thankfully started up again in September with our AGM
and election of committee. This was followed by a talk and demonstration by David Allison on some of the vegetables he grows, how he grows them, including the different feeds and fertilisers he uses. Also, advice
on suitable varieties for the show bench. An informative and interesting evening was had by all.
Also, on this evening it was with great pleasure that our chairman, namely Andrew Cunningham presented two fellowship awards. The first was presented to Tony Booth who has given outstanding service to the NVS for many years. Judging shows from grass roots level to Branch shows on a very regular basis. Tony has
also been an excellent exhibitor over the years and takes a great interest in new varieties and what’s current on the show bench. He is always on hand to give advice and welcome new members to the DA and help encourage new exhibitors.
The second fellowship was with great pleasure presented to Peter
Left to Right- Peter Risdale Andrew Cunningham Tony Booth
Risdale, also a long-standing member of the NVS. Peter is a great show man with fruit, vegetables, and flowers,
not to mention pot plants. He has also been an NVS judge for many years
and is a valued member of our DA.
He encourages people to have a go at growing things they might not have tried before and is known to give plants to beginners to get them interested. He is always in attendance at our monthly meetings. He has a long-standing knowledge in horticulture which he is always willing to share.
Our next event was the Harrogate Autumn Flower Show held at the
new venue: Newby Hall. A few of our members enabled The West Yorkshire DA to put up a stand and we were delighted with A Premier Gold award for our efforts. The stand was manned over the three days that the show was on and was met with very positive feedback from the general public. Lots of advice was given out during the show and a great time was had by all. This was a new venue and was well organised and it provided a free entry to Newby Hall and gardens which were lovely, and we were lucky with three days of sunshine.
Our next speaker in October was Ian Stocks who kindly came all the way
Steve Ryan winning potatoes
from Scotland to give us a talk on Celery. We have been told by other members that it was a very good evening but sadly we couldn’t attend ourselves due to a family bereavement in Ireland.
Our meetings are now back up and running and will be at the normal time of 8pm. Held on the second Tuesday
of each month at Paxton Hall, 186 Kirkstall Lane, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 2AB. Everyone is welcome and light refreshments are served.
David and Olive Peel
Manchester and Cheshire DA
We haven’t restarted our meetings as yet as the venue we use wasn’t available. We will be starting our meetings again on the first Tuesday of the month, 1st February 2022 at The Hough End Police Club, Mauldeth Rd West, Chorlton, M21 7SX at 8pm. We will be having our AGM as we have a few things we need to sort out, namely a new secretary. If anyone wishes to put their name forward for this role then please get in touch. There will also be
a raffle and a speaker (yet to be determined)
I have been sending out branch updates by email. If you haven’t received these updates and would like to then please let me know on the email address
Hopefully this will be the start of things to come, and we can start to get back to normal. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Sandra McNicholls
58 Simply Vegetables
Stand at Newby Hall