Page 60 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
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                                Midland Branch
  Chairman’s report
It was good to be back in the public domain again with the Malvern Autumn Show going ahead, enabling the Midlands Branch to hold its championships.
Whilst the number of exhibitors and entries were understandably down this year, those that were staged were of the usual high standard and created a lot of interest from the general public. As far as I am concerned, the main advantage of the show was to be able to meet up with old friends again and make new ones, not only exhibitors but all those who garden for a hobby or simply for the kitchen. It appears from talking
to people, that lockdown has certainly produced many of those. Congratulations to all the prize
winners, but please don’t give up if you were not successful this year; there is always next and don’t forget, next year sees the Midlands Branch hosting the NVS National Championships on 23rd, 24th and 25th September 2022.
As always, we are grateful to the Three Counties Agricultural Society at Malvern for allowing us to stage our championships within their Autumn Show.
Their generosity and hospitality are second to none and greatly appreciated. I am pleased to note that the TCAS has now become a member of the NVS so we will be working more closely together in the future than we did before.
At the time of writing, we are
in the process of arranging our AGM for March 2022. Please keep an eye on the website for further details and information regarding the Speaker and topic.
By the time you read this
we will be well into the festive season, and I send you all my very best wishes for 2022.
June Davies, FNVS, Chair
 Chris with his parsnips
At last... a
red card for
At the ages of 15 and 17 respectively, Chris Docker and Mike Davies met
in Ledbury Livestock Market, both working as drivers’ mates for different livestock haulage contractors. Both went on not only to obtain their HGV licences and remain good friends, but to develop an interest in exhibition growing.
They started off with the small local shows and Chris became quite the king at his nearby shows, and Mike
in his also. Eventually they decided to progress to something which would be more competitive and ventured to Shrewsbury Flower Show, exhibiting in the Vegetable classes. On one occasion they decided to have a bet on who would stage the best parsnips - Mike won so had to buy the fish and chips on the way home as that was the bet! The winner paid. The story
of their long friendship and their competitive instincts made a story in the Shropshire Star newspaper.
Having achieved a certain amount of success in the larger shows, Mike encouraged Chris to try his luck even further and being an NVS member, he should aim towards the Branch Championships and the Malvern open section at the Autumn Show.
Chris’s main interests were parsnips and carrots, although he grew other vegetables and was thrilled when he won the novice class in the Midlands Branch Championships with small tomatoes. There was no stopping
him now, but he had to achieve his ambition of getting a red card at Malvern, either in the Branch or the Malvern open for parsnips or carrots. Well, 2021 was the year!! He arrived in the Harvest Pavillion to find he had won First Prize for his parsnips in the Malvern Open. He was smiling from ear to ear for the rest of the weekend.
Chris Docker is now on a mission for the Nationals next year. Watch this space and remember the name!!!
Saturday 19th March 2022
Hanley Swan Village Hall Welland Road, Worcs WR8 0DA at 2.00pm
To be followed by a talk Speaker/topic TBC
Plant/seed sales, plus raffle
Tea, coffee, and light refreshments provided
60 Simply Vegetables
MEMBERS 10000 to 19999

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