Page 59 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
P. 59
Westmorland and North Lancashire DA
James Park
Well as it’s the 6th of October today
it has just about wrapped up my growing year, I have one last picking of tomatoes left in the green house, then that’s it for toms which is not bad really, usually they come to an end about the second week of September, but this September has been a nice dry warm month and they have kept growing well. All that’s left inside are half a dozen cabbage plants which I sowed 1st August and some carrots sown at the same time the carrots should be ready for Christmas and the cabbage hopefully end of February through to April.
This hopefully will be the last year without any local shows and normality returns though I do worry one or two of the shows might struggle to start again, one positive is that we hope to
Jim’s best tomato
commence our local DA meetings,
the first meeting being provisionally booked for the 3rd Thursday in January at the Club Inn, Endmoor, which will be the AGM all are welcome and we look forward to getting together again.
I went to the Great Yorkshire show in July and spent most of the day helping Geoff Wilson on the Northern area stand, there was a steady stream of interested visitors and the display proved to be a great attraction with the show goers generating lots of questions, one or two people I think joined as a result and I hope they get a lot of enjoyment and help from being a member, and with luck might see them at Newby Hall with exhibits or just for a chat next year.
The show at Newby Hall was an enjoyable experience and I think the new venue was well received and next year should be even better with a few more exhibitors. I had the pleasure of helping Jim Robinson with the setting up the benches on Thursday afternoon
Jim Robinson
In our last report I mentioned that I was growing Brassica’s on club root infected land after applying 2oz per square yard of Perlka. So far (late October) all has been well with just one cabbage showing slight signs
of the disease but still producing a decent head. The bucket experiment –
Calabrese Monclano
growing cabbages through bottomless buckets to create a leg to deter slugs didn’t fare too well. I left it too late
to remove the buckets giving the
slugs easy access (and sheltered accommodation to boot). I’ll try again next year, being sure to remove the buckets.
We are planning to hold our A.G.M. at 7.30pm on Thursday 20th January at the Club Inn, Endmoor. Please come along if you can but do check before travelling due to the changing situation. We will publish the rest
of our programme of talks in future editions of Simply Vegetables, the NVS website and our Westmorland
& North Lancs DA Facebook page. Meetings held at the Club Inn, Main St. Endmoor, Kendal, Cumbria LA8 0EU. Further details; Jim Robinson 015395 61053. Email: jim.robinson45@
products of the season
Fairly Traded Seed Trays
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*10%. Valid until 31st of January.
Simply Vegetables 59