Page 62 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
P. 62

                                Championships Results 2021, continued
West Midlands DA
As everyone will appreciate, we had to cancel our May meeting at Fairfield Village Hall due to the restrictions
at the time because of this deadly disease. I hope our members are still growing their veg and keeping safe.
We are arranging to have a stand
at Ribbesford near Bewdley garden centre at their open day the end of June where hopefully we can attract new members. We are also having a stand at Gardeners World live at the NEC from the 26-29th of August and unfortunately it looks like our August meeting and mini veg show has to be cancelled but hopefully we will be back for a meeting at Fairfield the last Thursday in November. Meanwhile my veg plot is filling up fast, the Elephant Garlic is growing very large along with my 38 varieties of pepper plants, one of which started flowering on the 16th April. So we will continue to plan for
a display at the NEC and hope people will come and visit our stand either to sign up as members, buy plants and seeds or just ask for advice.
The committee ran our 6 metres by three metres stand at Gardners World Live at the NEC during August. The stand was set up by Albert Walker, Wendy Brickstock and Graham Brickstock on the wednesday morning. We were informed late on that we had to finish setting up by 1.30pm which we just about achieved. The stand was manned over the four days by Peter Waldron, Sandra Hall, Albert Walker, Wendy Brickstock, Anna Brickstock and myself Graham Brickstock. We were pleasantly surprised to achieve a Silver Medal and some kind remarks from many of the people visiting our stand both about our display and the plants and items we had for sale. Albert Walker impressed by selling all the elephant garlic that he supplied and we also
sold out of volcanic rock dust and bio char. This was a great achievement as the attendance was restricted due to Corona virus and provides the DA with well earned funds to run our
meetings. We have prepared a full programme for 2022 and if anyone would like to receive a copy in the post, please do contact me. Graham Brickstock
Chairman, tel. 01527 837867
  Class 17
  Tomatoes – Medium
 Scott Glass Tankard
  R. Sale
J. Thompson R. Jones R. Sale
J. Thompson S. Smith R. Jones P. Grimes P. Grimes
C. Evans S. Hodgson
R. Holmes M. Hall G. Nash
R. Holmes
C. Evans
C. Evans
B. Oliver
R. Holmes
R. Holmes
R. Nightingale
G. Nash
G. Tranter
D. Chester
D. Thornton
P. Grimes
D. Thornton
J. Oliver
G. Nash
R. Scriven
R. Bassett
P. Burgess
R. Jackson
D. Thornton
R. Jones
J. Bebbington
B. Cliffe
C. Blunsdon
J. Bebbington
M. Hall
D. Thornton
D. Davies
R. Evans
R. Holmes
R. Bassett
P. Grimes
M. Hall
R. Nightingale
G. Davies
N. Gould
P. Grimes
B. Oliver
J. Thompson
  Class 18
   Holderness Tankard
   Class 19
  Shallots - Large
  Fred Stone Shield
  Class 20
  Shallots - Pickling
  Scott Trophy
  Class 21
  French Beans
  Webbs Memorial Trophy
  Class 22
  Onions – 250g or less
  Holderness Trophy & Medal
  Class 23
  Beetroot – Globe
  R.Price Goblets
  Class 24
  Holderness Tankard
  Class 25
  Harry Williams Memorial Trophy
  Class 26
  Special – Those not having won a red card
  Walkers Olde Coffee Shop Trophy
  Class 27
  Tomatoes – Small Fruited
  Don Strange Trophy
  Class 28
  Collection of Onions and Shallots
  Bill & Margaret Salver
  Class 29
  Collection of Potatoes
  Wye Vale Nurseries Trophy
  Class 30
  Collection of 4 dishes
  Shrewsbury Cup
  Ivy Williams Trophy – (Midlands member with the most points) P. Grimes Class 9 - Onions over 250g but less than 1500g – N. Currie
  Simply Vegetables Binder
Store your magazines away. Each binder holds 12 magazines. (3 years worth)
£5.00 + £2.95 P&P
To purchase contact: Sandra Hall FNVS, Midlands Branch, on 01952 541396 or email:
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