Page 67 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
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                                   The program for 2022 has been finalised and we look forward to a busy and interesting year.
Feb 12th. AGM -East Horsley Village Hall. Start at 11am
All the following talks start at 8pm
March 9th. Trevor Fawcett - Growing Gladioli. East Horsley Village Hall
April 13th. Jason Ralph- Smith. Growing using the Autopot system. Redhill Methodist Church
May11th. Tom Maskell. Growing using the Hotbed system. East Horsley Village Hall
September 14th. Gerry Edwards. Growing Apples and Pears on the Allotment. East Horsley Village Hall.
October 12th Jackie Currie. Growing Alliums for the Garden. East Horsley Village Hall.
November 9th. Mark Dobell. The Modern Kitchen Garden. East Horsley Village Hall.
 Sussex DA
Happy New Year to you all.
I am pleased to report that here
in Sussex we have been able to hold
a couple of events. After 18 months of inactivity, we were able to meet
for the first time in September when we held a mini show at our Ashurst venue. We were pleased to welcome new members for their first meeting and see a good selection of entries staged by a dozen members which were judged by Barry Newman. Christine Gibson won the trophy for the most points and Tim Richardson won best in show for his blackberries. While the judging was taking place Gordon and Delia Cooper entertained us with a quiz. After sampling excellent homemade refreshments supplied by Delia and Marion, Barry held an impromptu judging seminar explaining his reasons for making
the decisions he had, a fine end to
an excellent evening when we all learnt a lot. Congratulations to all the prize winners and many thanks for entering.
The Autumn Show and Game Fair was held by the South of England Agricultural Society at Ardingly on 1st and 2nd October. As with many events over the last 18 months there were some doubts and anxieties over exactly what could or would
be allowed to happen at the show. Traditionally there has been a horticultural exhibition at the
show. Keen to see this continue we approached the show organisers and after some discussion it was agreed, in August that we would help them organise and run this part of the show for them.
It was with some trepidation that we waited for entries to come in so we were pleased to have over 50 entries
staged and we took the opportunity
to put up and man a small bureau for the duration of the show. Roy Spooner won the best exhibit with his large onions, and he also went on to take the cup for the most points in the show. Despite the appalling weather on the Saturday the show was popular, and we had a steady stream of visitors
to look at the flower and vegetable exhibits enabling us to recruit 5 new members to the NVS and also sell some books.
We are hoping to have a presence at the Spring Live event at Ardingly on April 24th and 25th 2022, the details of which are to be confirmed but it is worth making a note in your diary of the dates.
To round off the year we were entertained by Chris Stewart and his interesting and amusing talk on the eco warrior- The Earthworm.
Our next event will be the AGM in January and we are looking for new blood to join the committee.
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