Page 21 - QARANC Vol 14 No 6 2013
P. 21

                                THE GAZETTE QARANC 19
   A tour that took 4 years in the making finally happened in October 2012. An 18 strong touring party, including one member from QARANC (Sgt Jenny Walker), left London Heathrow on 12 October 2012, embarking on the first ever Combined Services ladies cricket tour. Destination Sri Lanka. An island that looked so inviting from a bird’s eye view. The sun was out; a few wispy clouds interrupted the view and a steady descent into paradise.
Touch down at Colombo International airport was just after Saturday midday. Little did we know that we still had a four-hour coach trip to Hotel Topaz, which is situated 3000ft above sea level. Needless to say it was the most terrifying part of the journey but we all reached the hotel unscathed.
We were pulled back to the reality of a cricket tour very early the next morning with a training session planned in the heat - acclimatisation had to take place quickly. The training was at Asiguria Oval, a former test ground and the only such place in the world to be owned by a school. The rest of the day was spent being introduced to some very
famous Sri Lankan trade products- silk and sapphires.
Up at the crack of dawn this morning. First we arrived at the elephant foundation where we all had an opportunity to ride the elephants. After this brief stop we moved on to the orphanage in time to see the herd of about forty elephants be led out to the river where they could bathe.
We then travelled on to Kurungala to the cricket ground for our first match of the tour. The match started just after lunch, at the foot of “Elephant Mountain”, against Kurungala Ladies. Combined Services made a good start before the rain came and stayed and the match was abandoned.
Day five saw us moving to the capital, Colombo. When in Ceylon... one should drink tea and this move provided us with the perfect excuse to visit a tea plantation. We were afforded an interesting insight into the production of tea – from leaf to cup. This leg of the journey also included a spot of adventurous training in the form of white water rafting. Apparently the film, Bridge over the river Kwai was
filmed on this strip of the river.
Finally match day. The opposition, Palink School of Cricket, did an excellent job of hosting and made us feel very welcome. This included a guard of honour on arrival and a line up prior to the game during which we were introduced to various dignitaries who have been involved in the development
of women’s cricket in Sri Lanka. Another scorcher of a day, another toss lost. We were put in to bat first and made a reasonable start. Another two wickets fell quickly as Sgt Lori Morrison was run out despite her spectacular dive for the crease and Sgt Jenny Walker was caught. Combined Services Ladies posted a target of 129- 7. Persistent pressure through good fielding and tight bowling by CS paid off with three quick wickets. Despite a courageous effort in the heat, Palink
were victorious with 133/6.
Match day 3. Another scorching day
in Sri Lanka and this time the CS team were off to play against the Sri Lankan Air Force at their ground in Colombo. Supporters for the opposition were in abundance. Having won the toss, the

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