Page 15 - Out Birding Winter 2023
P. 15

Events at a Glance
Saturday 25th
Po􏰀eric Carr, Doncaster Richard 0114 2587928
Saturday 2nd
Change of date
RSPB Loch of Strathbeg, Aberdeenshire.
Andy 07770 440 772 or
Saturday 2nd
North London Christmas meal start 6pm meal 7pm Contact Lyndsay 07835 253494 by 20th November
Sunday 3rd
South Moray Firth covering Findhorn Basin, Burghead and Lossimouth.. Andy 07770 440772 or
Monday 4th
London Drinks
7pm onwards at The Theodore Bullfrog, 26-30 John Adam Street, WC2N 6HL. Contact Jim ahead of visit 07807 193498
Sunday 10th
Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, East Sussex.
Please contact Carol if interested in coming on 07867 970512.
Sunday 10th
Brandon Marsh, Warwickshire
Contact Vicky beforehand to check menus. 07986 968909
Thursday 14th
ZOOM talk
Log in at 7:15pm for 7:30 start
Much was said about the Short-eared Owl seen at Gibraltar Point during the Grand Get Together but no one had taken a photo.
Here’s one I prepared earlier! Pat
 Short-eared Owl: Pat
Occasionally events have to be cancelled. Please check with the event leader that the event you are planning to a􏰀end is s􏰁ll going ahead.

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