Page 17 - Out Birding Winter 2023
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procedures up to scratch in prepara􏰀on for their introduc􏰀on in January. We dis- cussed three proposals for use of the GBC Conserva􏰀on Fund and agreed to donate to the Hawk Conservancy Trust for a ‘vulture rescue kit’; more details to follow.
Finally, we learned of two resigna􏰀ons as Regional Contacts (Wales and Essex) and agreed to Mar􏰀n Harrison becoming the new contact for Essex. Our special thanks to Chris Whitby and Nigel Griffiths for all their hard work and wish them well with their other ac􏰀vi􏰀es. If you have any issues that you would like the commi􏰁ee to discuss at our next mee􏰀ng on 4 December, please get in touch with me using the contact details at the back of OB.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Held over Zoom on Thursday 28th September at 7.30 PM
Present: Commi􏰁ee Members (8): Andy Webb (Chair) Liz Armstrong, Caroline Grey, Pat Cro􏰂on, Jim Clark, Richard Lazenby, Carol Goulden, Greg Hope
Other Members (9): Simon Danna􏰁, Eva March, Sue Crane, Rachael Dixey, Eirwen Edwards, Jo Rowlands, Nick Webb, Jolyon Oxley, Lorna Goodman. Nb: Six other mem- bers requested Zoom access but did not appear on the Secretary’s screen, but perhaps may have been online?
1 Apologies for absence
Apologies (4) were received from Nigel Griffiths, Kathryn Fuller, Frances Hurley, Adrian Thomas.
2 Minutes of 2022 AGM
Minutes of the 2022 AGM were approved.
3 Ma􏰁ers arising
There were no ma􏰁ers arising.
4 Chair’s Report
Andy Webb introduced himself as the new Chair. He noted that eight committee members continue from last year, with Mike Pollard standing down as Chair at the end of his term and John Hudson standing down as a member without portfolio. Both have given immense amounts of time to the committee and Club over the years. Mike steered us through the difficult years of Covid and the problems the pandemic created and also began an important modernisation process of the Club. John spent many years as Treasurer and helped to ensure we kept on a good financial footing before he became an ordinary committee member. We are very grateful to them for all their hard work and enthusiasm. Andy took over from Mike as Chair on 1 January. Seven of the committee members have designated roles on the committee. We are still ‘light’ on committee members and would welcome anyone interested in taking on a more

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