Page 2 - Out Birding Winter 2023
P. 2

4-14 Event Reports
14 Results of Summer What Bird?
15 Events at a Glance
16-17 View from the Chair 17-22 Minutes of the AGM 23-25 Grand Get Together 13
25 What Happened Next?
26 Regional Contacts
27 Commi􏰀ee Members
Cover: Crested Tit: Andy Webb Back cover: Group photos
Welcome to the last issue of Out Birding this year. It is accompanied by your Annual Calendar, courtesy of Eva and Sue who have done their usual sterling work in combining words and photos into a great publica􏰁on. It contains all you need to know for a full year’s birding in 2025.
I need to begin by apologising for the answers to What Bird? not appearing in the last edi􏰁on. They seem to have dropped off the page at some point in the produc􏰁on process which I had not spo􏰀ed and I am grateful to Helen B for aler􏰁ng me. I have printed them on p14.
You will find another excellent collec􏰁on of event reports pp 4-14. Many thanks to those who sent them in, allowing every- one to enjoy those days out.
At the Zoom Annual General Mee􏰁ng on 28 September, a couple of those present requested more informa􏰁on about what is discussed in the quarterly commi􏰀ee
mee􏰁ngs. Andy has responded in his View from the Chair pp16-17.
As always with the Winter Edi􏰁on, the Minutes of the Annual General Mee􏰁ng are printed in full pp 17-22. Thanks to Greg for providing those. It is no mean feat to keep up with discussions in the mee􏰁ng and then summarise them.
The 13th Grand Get Together took place in October in Skegness, Lincolnshire. Very few of those who a􏰀ended had previously done any birding in that neck of the woods but it came up trumps with good weather, good birds and, above all, good company. Many thanks to Sarah for providing a comprehensive report of the two days and to Mike, Ann, Lesley and Mary for photos.
Neil’s sequel to his ar􏰁cle in the Summer Issue, about Long-eared Owls, concludes this edi􏰁on with an account of how things turned out for the Owlet and the other cast of characters in his valley, providing a happy ending both for his birds and OB.
Please refer to the list of Regional Contacts p26 for revisions.
Finally, I have broken with tradi􏰁on and filled the back cover with photos of people. They all look lovely but please send me some birds!
Copy date for the next edi􏰁on is 8th January 2024
 Views expressed in OB are the views of the contributors and are not necessarily shared by the editor, commi􏰀ee or members of the GBC.

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