Page 28 - Cormorant Issue 20 2017
P. 28

  PAGE 26
RSE 1 – Poland
Wg Cdr Mark Pickford
FORTY-EIGHT ACSC STUDENTS FROM syndicates A8, B1, B3 and C5, along with four staff members from B Division,
travelled to Poland for Regional Security Exercise 1 over the period 14th to 18th November. It was clear from the engaging
itinerary and pre-visit brief, as well as the fact that the Divisional Director had chosen to attend this particular RSE, that we had been very lucky indeed in our RSE 1 allocation! The aim of the exercise was three-fold: to analyse how strategic choices are made in a different country; to consider what national responses or actions might arise from various types of stimuli; and to describe how military power, together with
diplomatic and economic power, contributes to achieving speci ed outcomes. Back at the College, we would be required to deliver a 20-minute back-brief to the other syndicates on what we had learnt from the experience.
After a particularly early start on the Monday for the coach journey to Gatwick, the group  nally landed at

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