Page 69 - Cormorant Issue 20 2017
P. 69

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  and ventured out to see the sights. Groups visited the Ground Zero museum and others took a sunset cruise on a sailing ship out to the Statue of Liberty.
Thursday was a busy day of briefs about the
United Nations. We were fortunate enough to
have a fantastic range of speakers, with deputy ambassadors from the UN Security Council, UN military advisors and experts on UN peacekeeping operations. The panel discussions gave a real insight into the complexity of how the UN operates and the hurdles that have to be overcome on a daily basis, both around the world on day to day UN operations and back in New York within the UN headquarters. Giving a balanced view, the course also received
brie ngs with alternative viewpoints, questioning
the ef cacy of the UN. By the end of the day, we emerged with a far better understanding of the issues facing the UN and the crucial role the UK has to play in the UN’s future success and development. On our  nal evening in New York, the group split again with most visiting the Ground Zero museum and a few managing to pick up complementary military tickets to a New York Yankees baseball game.
Overall the week in the US was a great mix of political and strategic insight, cultural understanding and social bonding. All the students on the Ends Module emerged with a deeper understanding of US and UN politics, governmental process and strategic outlook.

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