Page 13 - Out Birding Winter 2024
P. 13

to increase our appeal to a wider age range than at present and would love it if we could bring on some younger, talented members, either to the fringes of the Commi􏰀ee or as full Commi􏰀ee members.
Maturity is a wonderful thing, but diversity brings strength and harnessing the quali􏰁es that different age ranges offer will benefit us greatly for the future.
Andy Webb
Pat’s Hoopoe
Quarterly Committee Meeting - September
Most of the Commi􏰀ee met for their quarterly evening mee􏰁ng on September 2nd: September is a busy month for us as we also have the AGM (see separate report pp 14 -19. In fact. the 2nd September mee􏰁ng previewed much of the repor􏰁ng for the AGM, including the financial report, progress on GGT 14 and our project to upgrade the Club's IT system, so I won't repeat that here!
A number of other topics were discussed: Caroline updated us on members' renewals post 1 August: she was chasing up the small number of 'late-payers' who had probably forgo􏰀en to do their standing orders, and she suggested, coinciding with the planned improvements to the Membership (IT) system, that her role should con􏰁nue with the main administra􏰁on of the Membership database - recording and fee administra􏰁on - but that the more general use of the database for email communica􏰁ons (which is becoming increasingly useful for the Club) be administered separately. This was agreed.
Pat updated us on the poten􏰁al plan􏰁ng of trees to recognise our 30th Anniversary, and the 30th Anniversary gi􏰂 to all members (to be sent out with the Calendar in November).
Jim also advised that he had sourced an excellent 'extra' speaker for our Zoom talks, who will be shoe-horned into the programme!
As usual, if any member wishes a copy of the 'full' minutes, let me know - although the complete minutes of the AGM are provided here which will fully update all read- ers of OB.
Greg Hope, Secretary

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