Page 17 - Out Birding Winter 2024
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to ensure Calendar entries for events had more specific H & S informaon. He has also wrien an arcle in OB covering his new role for GBC.
Richard also worked with Andy (with support from the commiee) to draw up a ge- neric risk assessment for most events, supplemented by more bespoke ones eg for overseas trips, and he recognised Andy’s significant work in enabling an electronic version of the form, available to everyone.
Richard has provided support and guidance to members both through ‘drop-in’ online sessions, and through direct email contacts: many members have used these opportu- nies, and found the advice helpful and re-assuring. As a result, most events now have a Risk Assessment.
In terms of further acons, he noted that he would need to monitor the event forms to ensure assessments are completed and reported on a mely basis; and that the commiee should discuss plans for future events to determine whether ‘repeat’ events from year-to-year require new assessments, or merely updated ones. This will be tabled for the next quarterly commiee meeng.
A brief discussion followed on general H&S issues, with Mark Taylor suggesng an indicaon of event route walking distances in calendar entries is helpful; and Nigel raised the issue of car-sharing: Andy advised that he and Liz had covered the legal aspects of this, and felt the current GBC approach was sound. The main guidelines are in the annual Calendar, and do in fact refer to walk mileages and terrain, so that po- tenal parcipants can judge their fitness for the event.
7 Out Birding Editor’s Report
Pat Croon (OB Editor) thanked the many members who contributed during the year. The four edions of Out Birding delivered a very good variety of event reports, features and photographs.
Most members now receive the electronic version only. There was a minor issue (quickly resolved) in August with ‘Flipbuilder’ which turns the pages, but on the whole, it worked well, and the company which provides it, TypeStart, is friendly and reliable. 29 paper copies were sent out to members paying the addional costs of prinng and postage (£15). The printers, Fulprint, provide an excellent service, and Pat collects the copies to save delivery charges.
The addion of a summary of quarterly commiee meengs in OB was welcomed.
Grand Get Together 14 Scotland Update
Turning to her work on GGT14, Pat advised that all the places for our 30th Anniversary Grand Get Together were snapped up very quickly. 76 members will be aending, with 68 of those being resident at the Grant Arms Hotel in Grantown-on-Spey. We have taken all the rooms, so have sole occupancy in the hotel. A recent survey of parcipants has shown that there will be enough spare places in the cars of those driving to the event to accommodate those arriving by air/rail, so everyone will be