Page 16 - Out Birding Winter 2024
P. 16
There was a general discussion regarding our use of social media plaorms, their use- fulness and appropriateness for GBC. We have discussed on many occasions the ‘imbalance’ between our Facebook followers and actual GBC members, and it is sll felt that Facebook is a sensible way of reaching out to a wider group rather than ex- isng members, and may encourage others to join GBC. Twier/X provokes mixed reacons, but some nevertheless found it useful for birding updates. A WhatsApp channel was also mooted. We would connue to review this aspect of membership.
Large numbers of members volunteer their me for the Club as Commiee Members, Regional Contacts, Event Leaders or in non-commiee roles. Andy recorded his deep gratude to them for all their fantasc hard work – the Club would be much the poor- er without all their efforts.
There followed a general discussion regarding our use of social media plaorms, their usefulness and appropriateness for GBC. We have discussed on many occasions the ‘imbalance’ between our Facebook followers and actual GBC members, and it is sll felt that Facebook is a sensible way of reaching out to a wider group rather than ex- isng members, and may encourage others to join GBC. Twier/X provokes mixed reacons, but some nevertheless found it useful for birding updates. A WhatsApp channel was also mooted. We would connue to review this aspect of membership.
5 Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of Treasurer Liz Armstrong, Andy presented the formal Financial Report and Accounts, already prepared by Liz. Andy started by explaining that GBC’s accounts are based on a ‘cash’ rather than an ‘accrual’ method, and thus the end-of- year posion is distorted by our having received significant funds as fees for GGT 14, which are being held unl payments are due to the Grant Arms hotel early in 2025.
Looking specifically at our key/main ‘Core Funds’ (ie excluding GGTs and the Conser- vaon Fund) our income was £4,601 and expenditure of £3,135 - a surplus of £1,466. At year-end our core funds stood at £15,758, indicang a sound financial posion for the Club going forward.
Donaons from the Conservaon Fund were made to the Hawk Conservancy Trust (£300) Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (£350) Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust (£300) and the Wader Trust (£20).
A summary of the End of Year Accounts will be sent as a separate document with November Out Birding
6 Health & Safety Report
As H & S Officer Richard Lazenby was unable to aend, Andy read Richard’s Report to the Meeng. Richard has advised that following discussions with our insurers, it has become clear that we should adopt a more rigorous approach to H & S in general, and to risk assessments in parcular. He has worked on adapng the risk assessment guidelines in the Calendar. He thanked Eva, Sue and Pat for producing the guidelines