Page 16 - Out Birding Winter 2024
P. 16

There was a general discussion regarding our use of social media pla􏰀orms, their use- fulness and appropriateness for GBC. We have discussed on many occasions the ‘imbalance’ between our Facebook followers and actual GBC members, and it is s􏰁ll felt that Facebook is a sensible way of reaching out to a wider group rather than ex- is􏰁ng members, and may encourage others to join GBC. Twi􏰂er/X provokes mixed reac􏰁ons, but some nevertheless found it useful for birding updates. A WhatsApp channel was also mooted. We would con􏰁nue to review this aspect of membership.
Large numbers of members volunteer their 􏰁me for the Club as Commi􏰂ee Members, Regional Contacts, Event Leaders or in non-commi􏰂ee roles. Andy recorded his deep gra􏰁tude to them for all their fantas􏰁c hard work – the Club would be much the poor- er without all their efforts.
There followed a general discussion regarding our use of social media pla􏰀orms, their usefulness and appropriateness for GBC. We have discussed on many occasions the ‘imbalance’ between our Facebook followers and actual GBC members, and it is s􏰁ll felt that Facebook is a sensible way of reaching out to a wider group rather than ex- is􏰁ng members, and may encourage others to join GBC. Twi􏰂er/X provokes mixed reac􏰁ons, but some nevertheless found it useful for birding updates. A WhatsApp channel was also mooted. We would con􏰁nue to review this aspect of membership.
5 Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of Treasurer Liz Armstrong, Andy presented the formal Financial Report and Accounts, already prepared by Liz. Andy started by explaining that GBC’s accounts are based on a ‘cash’ rather than an ‘accrual’ method, and thus the end-of- year posi􏰁on is distorted by our having received significant funds as fees for GGT 14, which are being held un􏰁l payments are due to the Grant Arms hotel early in 2025.
Looking specifically at our key/main ‘Core Funds’ (ie excluding GGTs and the Conser- va􏰁on Fund) our income was £4,601 and expenditure of £3,135 - a surplus of £1,466. At year-end our core funds stood at £15,758, indica􏰁ng a sound financial posi􏰁on for the Club going forward.
Dona􏰁ons from the Conserva􏰁on Fund were made to the Hawk Conservancy Trust (£300) Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (£350) Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust (£300) and the Wader Trust (£20).
A summary of the End of Year Accounts will be sent as a separate document with November Out Birding
6 Health & Safety Report
As H & S Officer Richard Lazenby was unable to a􏰂end, Andy read Richard’s Report to the Mee􏰁ng. Richard has advised that following discussions with our insurers, it has become clear that we should adopt a more rigorous approach to H & S in general, and to risk assessments in par􏰁cular. He has worked on adap􏰁ng the risk assessment guidelines in the Calendar. He thanked Eva, Sue and Pat for producing the guidelines

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