Page 12 - 4RA 2021-2023
P. 12
4th Regiment Royal Artillery
6/36 (Arcot 1751) Battery Maj Iain Chanter RA
Maj Chanter RA Capt Bartlett RA Capt Chapman RA Capt Ellis RA
Capt MacDonald- Armitage RA
Capt Catchpole RA Lt Muston RA
2Lt Kershaw- Houghton RA
WO2 (BSM) McInnes WO2 Taylor
SSgt Curtis
SSgt Handyside SSgt Harrison
SSgt Mackenzie
Sgt Dorner
Sgt Exelby
Sgt Fox
Sgt Guba
Sgt Munthali
Sgt Nute
Sgt Patterson
Sgt Sadler
Sgt Vines
Sgt Westwood
Sgt Twake
Bdr Boateng
Cpl Brammer
Bdr Burton
Bdr Clements
Bdr Dolman
Bdr Ennis
Bdr Goodman
Bdr Herrod
Bdr Kirtley
Bdr Larcombe-Jump Bdr Summerill
Bdr Summerson Bdr Travis
Bdr Wheeler LBdr Barnes LBdr Cooper LBdr Dy
LBdr Keteke LCpl Lovick
LBdr Mchiswe LBdr Miller
LBdr Phiri
LBdr Stephenson LBdr Stubbs LBdr Watters Gnr Andrews Gnr Banda
Cfn Bell
Gnr Charlton Gnr Cochran
Gnr Comley Gnr France
Gnr Garnett Gnr Hall
Gnr Hardwick Gnr Hudson Gnr Hutchinson Gnr Ibe
Gnr Jackson Gnr Jenner Gnr Jones Gnr Maher Gnr Mason Gnr Mccarthy Gnr Mijoso Gnr Mills
Gnr Mkandawire Gnr Motu
Cfn Mcknight
Gnr Nadurutamata Gnr Nasilasila
Gnr Neesam
Gnr Nicholls
Gnr Provett Gnr Radaveta Gnr Rodriquez Gnr Rowley Gnr Ryan
Gnr Sereki Gnr Serwaa Gnr Stark
Gnr Stracey Gnr William
The period January 2022 to June 2023 for 6/36 (Arcot 1751) Battery has seen the Battery undertake a breadth of requirements which can be easily described as adventure of epic pro- portions. Following being largely commit- ted to Op RESCRIPT during 2021-22 and employed out of role, Battery personnel have worked hard to rebuild and retrain in warfighting competency. Additionally, the Battery has undergone restructuring and growth following the resubordination of a gun group from 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery. To claim that the past 18 months has been one of change would be an understatement.
The beginning of 2022 saw the Battery deploy on Land Regional Hub Kenya (LRHK) along with 1PWRR Battlegroup in what was to be a debut deployment to LRHK. This period saw the Battery deploy to Malawi as part of a Short-Term Training Team (STTT) to deliver a “train a trainer” course to the Malawian Armed Forces. The STTT proved to be a profoundly valuable and insightful experience for the junior members of the Battery who developed their skill set in the delivery of training and enhanced their appreciation of other cultures. On completion of the STTT the
Maj Chanter reprises his prior job as a gun no. 1 to fire the first round of the new gun group
Battery returned to Kenya and undertook Ex ASKARI STORM which saw the Battery support the validation of the Battlegroup. Before returning to the UK the Battery personnel seized the opportunity to con- duct AT, which came as a welcome res- pite after five weeks of exercise. After over three months away the Battery returned to the UK in April 2022. Shortly thereaf- ter Major Forsey departed as the Battery Commander and was succeeded by Maj Chanter.
In Jun 2022 owing to the short notice deployment of 88 Battery on Op CABRIT 10.5 and the relatively recent return of the Battery from Kenya, its participation in the Regimental exercise was muted, but did afford the opportunity to revise low level skills and complete ITRs. Immediately after Ex SUNDERLAND DAGGER, the Bat- tery deployed to Larkhill to conduct Ex STEEL DRAGON during which the new BSM, acting as the JFC Commander and
the BC who had been in post for a very short period undertook a series of tactical actions. The exercise also proved very use- ful for the more junior personnel to con- duct simulated missions. The end of the exercise also saw the departure of Sgt Hird who has been reassigned as the CO’s Ack.
After a busy and varied period in the first half of 2022, the second half proved a stark contrast as with 88 Battery still deployed in Estonia, and with the remainder of the Regiment deployed in either Oman, Kenya or on Salisbury Plain, it fell to 6/36 Bat- tery to complete the less glamorous (but essential) tasks required to keep the lights on: both in barracks, and away on trawl. So scarce were Battery personnel during the autumn period of 2022 that it was left to the BC and BSM to put the Battery flag up in the mornings! Of particular note dur- ing this period was most personnel being committed to RLS for Ex WESSEX STORM
The 6/36 Battery best gun in the regimental “Best Det” competition on Ex SUNDERLAND DAGGER