Page 24 - 4RA 2021-2023
P. 24

4th Regiment Royal Artillery
     been exposed to, and trained in, urban tactics. The aim was to cover the funda- mentals first, before scaling up to working in pairs, fire teams and so on. This was broken down into three phases: Phase 1 (dry with targets), Phase 2 (Live (SIM) with targets) and Phase 3 (Live (SIM) with a reactive enemy). Throughout the day, members of the Regiment were trained in room, floor and building clearance. Once these skills had been drilled, Method of Entry (MOE) was introduced. Having been taught, and subsequently demonstrated, their understanding of these new drills, the Battery was then put into a battle exercise during the hours of darkness to break-in and clear a building with a reactive enemy. Throughout the day the Battery was seen to go from ‘zero to hero,’ learning all skills required to operate in the urban environ- ment, and improving their understand- ing of the complexity and the difficulty of operating in these conditions. Happily, the
Battery executed seamlessly on the final confirmation exercise.
In the writer’s opinion, members of the Regiment gained valuable skills. In the future the Regiment would benefit from further iterations of Urban Ops training, but for an increased duration to allow indi- viduals to really drill their new skills. This training allows all ranks to step up, allow- ing junior members of the Regiment to demonstrate their quality.
Capt Hebblewhite
This exercise saw members of James Troop travel to STANTA near Thetford to conduct training with 617 Sqn RAF. This was the first opportunity many had to work with F35Bs and the exercise did not disap- point. Though it is highly unlikely that F35s would support the close battle, the pilots were still very interested to work with the
One hell of a fish!
Btys JTACs and hosted us at RAF Marham for a capabilities brief. Due to their current readiness they are held at, the latter part of the week would have seen a reduction in available sorties through operational commitments, though fortunately the last minute addition of UK-based US F15s bol- stered the exercise and the Troop were able to conduct a significant portion of their currency training.
Flt Lt Reid
Flt Lt Reid, Capt Hebblewhite and Sgt Pearson took part in Ex WILDCAT TEM- PEST during February 22. This saw them working with Wildcat helicopters from 1 AAC. They conducted a tactical low- level insertion (not for the feint-hearted) into MOD Spadeadam avoiding active Surface-to-Air radar systems that were attempting to track them on the way in. Once on the ground, JTACs conducted
  Flt Lts Reid, France, Sgt Pearson, Cpls Collister, Garner, Gibson, LCpl Worral at the RAF Charity Event

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