Page 4 - 4RA 2021-2023
P. 4

4th Regiment Royal Artillery
Commanding Officer’s Foreword Lt Col Matt Brocklesby RA
   It is with great pleasure that I present this journal, reflecting upon the remarkable journey of 4th Regiment Royal Artillery
(the Fighting Fourth) over the past two years. Throughout this period, our tough and dedicated personnel have displayed unwavering commitment, professionalism, and resilience, enabling us to achieve sig- nificant milestones in our collective pursuit of excellence.
As the commanding officer of this excep- tional unit, I am immensely proud of the accomplishments we have attained dur- ing this time. Our combined efforts have propelled us forward, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and teamwork that has been instrumental in our success. Together, we have navigated a multitude of challenges, emerging stronger and more capable than ever before.
The completion of several iterations of exercises SUNDERLAND DAGGER and SUNDERLAND BAYONET, as well as numerous deployments to Germany, Oman and Kenya, stands as a testament to the calibre and proficiency of our unit. These exercises provided invaluable opportunities for us to sharpen our skills, refine our tactics, and enhance our inter- operability with other arms and services, after a long period in which training was
throttled by the urgency of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The dedication and adaptability exhibited by our person- nel throughout these exercises have been commendable, cementing our reputation as a force to be reckoned with.
Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate a period of high readiness as we become an integral part of a multinational fires group. This exciting new chapter signifies our commitment to collaborating with our international partners, forging stronger bonds and leveraging our collective strengths. Together, we will enhance our capacity to respond swiftly and effectively to evolving security challenges, project- ing British influence and safeguarding our shared values and interests.
Throughout this journal, we aim to provide an account of our experiences, achieve- ments, and the invaluable lessons we have learned. It serves as a testament to the dedication, professionalism, and indomi- table spirit of our Regiment. Furthermore, it serves as a record of our journey, cap- turing the essence of both our collective endeavours and individual triumphs. I extend my deepest gratitude to all those who have contributed to this work, shar- ing their insights, stories, and experiences. Their efforts have culminated in the crea-
tion of a document that encapsulates the breadth and depth of our activities over the past two years.
Finally, I express my utmost confidence in the future endeavours of our unit. As I hand over to my successor, and we embark on the next chapter of our jour- ney, let us remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence, embracing every challenge as an opportunity for growth. Together, we shall continue to serve the country with honour, integrity, and unwavering com- mitment. It is my hope that this journal will inspire and inform, shedding light on the achievements of our unit and the remark- able people who comprise it. May it serve as a testament to our rich history, and a taste of the adventures to come.
 Honorary Colonel’s Foreword
It is with great pride and privilege that I extend my warmest greetings to each and every one of you as the Honor-
ary Colonel of the 4th Regiment Royal Artillery. As we embark on the pages of yet another Regimental Journal, I am reminded of all that distinguishes the character 4th Regiment and is an essen- tial thread that remains undiluted by the passage of time: the professionalism and dedication of all those that serve the guns underpinned by its strong links to the North East and Sunderland in particular.
The pages of this journal record the enor- mous amount of activity the Regiment has undertaken over the last two years. It provides a snapshot of a regiment over what nationally has been a unique period in which the country leaned heav- ily on its Armed Forces once again with the Fighting Fourth at the forefront. The journal also serves as a testament to the dedication and commitment exhibited
Colonel John Catto
by the men and women of the Regiment and is something I hope evokes in you all a sense of pride and satisfaction.
As we delve into the pages ahead, let us reflect on the values that bind us together — discipline, courage, and loyalty. These values have been the bedrock of our regiment, guiding us through the chal- lenges of the past and illuminating the path forward into the future. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to every soldier, officer, and member of our extended regimental family for their unwavering commitment to duty. Your sacrifices do not go unno- ticed, and this journal stands as a tribute to your dedication and service.
I would like to thank Lieutenant Colo- nel Brocklesby for the manner that he has commanded the Regiment over the period covered by this journal. He has embraced and developed the DNA of the Regiment, taken the many obstacles
thrown up in his stride, and leaves the Fighting Fourth in a strong position to face the uncertainties of both the mod- ern battlefield and peacetime soldiering.
The Regiment continues to stand as a paragon of excellence, a testament to the enduring legacy of those who have gone before us, and a source of inspira- tion for generations yet to come. I feel pride in continuing to be associated with 4th Regiment Royal Artillery.

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