Page 5 - 4RA 2021-2023
P. 5

4th Regiment Royal Artillery
   It has been another eventful and busy period that has seen the Regiment hugely committed to a range of chal-
lenging and exciting operations, exer- cises, and other activities in the UK and abroad. And, in true ‘Fighting Fourth’ fashion, our fine team of men and women have relished every opportunity to serve.
Since my arrival in February 2023 from 5th Regiment Royal Artillery I have wit- nessed first-hand just how busy the Regiment are with their ongoing com- mitments to 7th Light Mechanised Bri- gade Combat Team (7LMBCT). From day one, the subunits have worked tire- lessly, operating in a multitude of disci- plines and locations across the globe to ensure readiness requirements are met
in preparation for VJTF(L) as at January 2024.
The unit continues to maintain strong links with our fantastic Veteran com- munity, our adopted City of Sunderland and in more recent news, the Regiment were granted the Freedom of Seaham, a supreme honour that we were humbled to exercise.
I am incredibly proud of our people, the families, and the bonds we share and continue to forge across the Northeast and the wider Gunner community. The professionalism, camaraderie and ethos across the Northeast Gunners has been truly remarkable and I feel very proud to serve the ‘Fighting Fourth’ as the Regi- mental Sergeant Major.
RSM’s Foreword WO1 (RSM) Terri Wood
 Quartermaster’s Department
Maj Roy Keane RA
Omnia, Ubique, Semper (Anything, Anywhere, Anytime)
 Maj Keane RA WO2 Defty SSgt Tuikoro SSgt Gurung Sgt Springett Sgt Watson Bdr Bent
Cpl Grundy LCpl Andrea LCpl Jones LCpl Bayles Gnr Syddall Pte Goring Pte Katalau Pte Taylor
Mrs Hoedoafia
  Quartermaster’s Foreword
The time has come again to update the Regimental journal with the successes and tribulations of the Quartermaster’s department. We find ourselves in choppy and uncharted waters, yet we are buoy- ant, strong together and remain on task. We are committed to providing logistical support for the Regiment in everything from overseas operations and large-scale training exercises to supporting daily train- ing courses and the routine (but essential) business that keeps the wheels of 4th Regiment Royal Artillery turning.
The Quartermasters’ department have been involved in supporting numerous exercises and operations throughout the last 18 months. What follows is a selection of the most prominent of these.
Op CABRIT is the name of the UK’s opera- tional deployment to Estonia where British troops are leading a multinational battle- group as part of NATO’s Enhanced For- ward Presence (EFP) in order to enhance Euro-Atlantic security, reassure our allies and deter our adversaries. The EFP in the Baltic States is a deployment of robust, multinational, combat-ready forces to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, comprising American, French, Canadian and British battlegroups in support of the respective armed forces of those coun- tries. In early 2022, 88 (Arracan) Battery was activated from readiness in order to deploy with 2 RIFLES battlegroup as part of a move to bolster the EFP in response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
The logistical planning to provide the equipment, accommodation and trans- port required by 88 Battery’s deployment started in earnest in 2021. Pre-deploy- ment training required logistic support in many guises and locations, programmed, resourced and delivered. The QMs depart- ment had not only delivered RLS through- out: they had proven their readiness for
their role on operations. Freight had been transported by air, land and sea to ensure that the regiment had everything required to deliver their role for the entirety of the 6 months in an unfamiliar environment, a process soon to be repeated in reverse: no sooner had the troops arrived than did the recovery planning start.
From Alanbrooke Barracks in North York- shire to Estonia, the department success- fully delivered and returned the Regi- ment’s soldiers, who were equipped, fed, slept well and returned home safely having successfully achieved their mission.
LBdr Keating receiving her first RA Colours form Lt Col V Worsley

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