Page 34 - Oundle Life October 2022
P. 34

                                WOODLAND TRUST
Nature’s Calendar
Many people find comfort in the rhythm
of the seasons, particularly in the past few years, when so many of us have taken solace
in nature. Thousands of people have made a ritual of adding records to Nature’s Calendar, one of the longest running citizen science projects in the UK, run by the Woodland Trust. The data collected in this project inform researchers and policy makers on the impact climate change is having on UK wildlife.
Did you know?
Between 1938–1979 Oundle School collected data for Nature’s Calendar, recording local trees, flowers and birds!
Thanks to the observations of Nature’s Calendar recorders across the UK, we now know that climate change is causing spring to arrive 8.4 days earlier than it was 30 years ago. But less is known about the autumn season, and
    we need your help to record what’s happening near you.
Autumn – the forgotten season?
Delving into the millions of Nature’s Calendar records, it is clear there has always been a preference for recording spring events. Although these records are important, we know far less about how climate change is impacting wildlife in autumn. The first plump ripe blackberry or
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 Joe Nall: 01832 275404 Email:
 WE HAVE MOVED Herne House, Herne Park, East Road, Oundle PE8 4BZ
© Hazelnuts, Ben Lees (12)
© Blackberry - Ben Lees, 2016 (11)

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