Page 15 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
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For a couple of years now we have been studiously working behind the scenes putting together a new RHS competition.
It’s going to be called “Edible Plant of the Year” competition, run very much along the lines of the “Plant of the Year” competition at the Chelsea Flower show. It will be hosted by Tatton Park Flower Show in July and staged in the Summer Fruit and Veg competition marquee and judged
by the same judges once they have concluded their Summer competition duties.
I won’t go into details at this stage suffice to say that it will cover any growing plant, or harvested fruit and vegetables, within certain guidelines. I am hoping to publish a full list of rules and requirements once the competition has been formally launched.
It will be advertised extensively both within the RHS and external press, so watch this space!
It is being co-ordinated by Jill Otway, RHS Plant Committee Manager, e-mail uk tel; 01483479717, who can be contacted for entry requirements, rules and an entry form, from mid Spring onwards. Potential interested parties will be contacted but it will be open to all.
Chelsea Flower show 2021 “Plant of the Year “ winner, Cercis Canadensis “ETERNAL FLAME”
Best dish of fruit a superb dish of pears, variety “CHARLES ERNEST”, shown by Adrian Baggaley (Right). He is being congratulated by Medwyn Williams, MBE AHRHS FNVS, Chief Judge and Moderator
Superb trug of Gooseberries shown by Anna Hart
Adrian Baggaley, probably one of the best fruit exhibitors in the country. However vegetable entries were well down with only 21 dishes staged, and only 5 classes with more than one entry. I was the vegetable Judge for this show which
A general view of some of the veg exhibits both at Tatton Park Flower Show July 2021
of Autumn, Autumn Fruit and Vegetable competition, 30th September to 2nd October, and
• RHS Harlow Carr, Late Fruit and Vegetable competition, 20th to 23rd
took less than 15 minutes
to judge, and quality was mixed. I think this could be partly due to the reasons above but also a change of venue from RHS Wisley to RHS Harlow Carr and held slightly earlier than previous years. Again special prizes are awarded for best dish
of fruit and best dish of vegetables.
For more details
regarding these shows, and a copy of the schedule, rules and an entry form, please contact: Georgina Barter, Horticultural Competitions Manager, e-mail; tel; 020 7821 3142
With acknowledgement to Medwyn Williams and Colin Spires for use of images.
David Allison FNVS, Vice
Chairman, RHS Fruit, Veg and Herb committee, Chairman Vegetable
Trials Forum RHS Garden Bridgewater, Committee member RHS Show Schedule committee, and accredited RHS Floral Judge.
These three shows
need more support from
exhibitors and much better
advertising if they are to flourish so put the dates in your diary for 2022. They are:
Vegetable entries were well down with only 21 dishes staged, and only 5 classes with more than one entry
Best Dish of Vegetables, Florence fennel, shown by Janice Maxwell of Prudhoe Co. Durham
• Tatton Park Flower show, Summer Fruit and Vegetable Competition, 20th to 22nd July.
• RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Taste
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