Page 19 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
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                                 2022 Major Branch & National Show dates for planning purposes:
Southern Branch Champs
(@ New Forest Show) 26th to 28th July
Welsh Branch Champs
(@ Wrexham Mem. Hall) 20th to 21st August
Scottish Branch Champs
(@ Corn Exchange, Haddington) 3rd September
Northern Branch Champs
(@ Newby Hall, Ripon) 16th to 18th September
National Champs
(@ Malvern) 24th to 25th September
(no Midlands Branch Champs in 2022)
Seed Trials for 2022
The NVS would like to thank two of our major partners, DT Brown and Marshall’s for 2022’s exciting new venture to work directly with members of the NVS in carrying out seed trials throughout the country.
Owing to timing (between SV Mags distribution), we therefore announced the seed trials at a zoom talk and sent out
an email broadcast to all those members on email. From this we received an overwhelming response from volunteers across the length and breadth of the country and we are delighted to have 60 lucky members who will be growing some different seed varieties, recording how they perform from germination through to harvest in the different parts of the country and with differing growing methods. We look forward to hearing how you all get on.
Sorry we couldn’t accommodate everyone who volunteered, but we will retain your name to be first on the list ready for next year, should you still wish to be a seed trialist.
   NVS Award submissions for 2022
Now is the time for thinking about the annual NVS awards and submitting any nominations via your local branch. So, if you know of a deserving individual, Society, Club, Branch or DA, then please consider them for an award.
Each year the review board meets & this year, the deadline for submissions
is the 30th June and awards will be presented at our Annual General Meeting this year in Malvern on Sept 23rd. Below is a quick reminder of the various types of NVS Awards and their criteria.
This award can be obtained by Affiliated Societies. The award should reflect the work done by a member of the Affiliated Society over very many years for the well-being of that Society providing that it relates to the area of vegetable cultivation.
RON FLETCHER AWARD – This may be awarded to any recognised group of members of the Society or to a Branch or DA who have made a considerable impact on the public by advancing the aims and objectives of the Society.
FELLOWSHIP – A minimum of five years continuous service to the Society of an outstanding nature being clearly defined is a requirement. Branch Officials, District Association Officers or those members who have rendered special supportive services would be deemed worthy of consideration.
SILVER MEDAL – A minimum of ten years continuous service to the Society, Branch or District Association. It must be substantial and well documented. Fellows of long standing who have progressed and gone on to perform outstanding work on behalf of the Society would be suitable candidates.
GOLD MEDAL – A minimum of fifteen years continuous service is required.
A candidate for the Society’s most prestigious award must have been previously or is at present at the forefront and directly involved in the management of the Society’s affairs. Their name should be well respected not only to long serving members at District Association, Branch and National levels, but to the wider horticultural community.
Please note that a copy of the awards application form can be requested from any Branch Secretary, but that you can also download a copy from the NVS web site in the “Resources” section, under “Admin”.
If you are not sure of the award status that a member currently holds, you can ask any Branch Membership Secretary (or myself) to check this for you using our Membership system.
Simply Vegetables 19

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