Page 60 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
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                                lily beetle attack. The calcium provided by crushed egg shell was useful to worms. Aspirin dissolved in water could enhance the flavour of tomatoes. Seaweed extract contains lots of useful plant nutrients
such as iron and iodine. Coir does not
hold nutrients together like peat so leaf mould may offer a better long-term peat replacement in the future. Peat-free composts can be as good as peat-based composts provided the nutrient/fertiliser levels are sufficiently high. Sarah stressed that the popular John Innes composts have evolved commercially over the last 50 years so it could be some time before a really suitable peat-free compost replacement comes to market.
At the time of writing, we are planning to hold our AGM very shortly. Three important considerations to discuss will be the future of awarding trophies, the cost of holding monthly meetings and the impact of internet banking for small charities and organisations such as ours.
As far as finance is concerned, we live
in an increasingly digital age and NVS needs to move with the times because the traditional transaction routes and options are either disappearing completely or becoming too costly for the volume of business conducted, especially at DA level.
High street banks are closing virtually weekly because the costs of operating them outweigh the income received. Cheques will eventually become a thing of the past as direct bank payments become the norm and we move ever closer towards a cashless society. This has implications
for our treasurers at all levels within the organisation and the constitution may well need to be updated to take
account of the advent of
internet banking and current specific requirements such as the two signature rule on cheques.
We have launched our new website (based on the basic Wordpress format), together with our NVS East Yorkshire Facebook page. This website is free to run provided you do not exceed the storage space allowed for images which has not proved to be a problem so far.
As the pandemic recedes and word gets around, we hope that more and more
For those able and willing
to participate, the NVS Zoom presentations over the winter
have proved really popular
and top-quality in both
content and delivery. The
technology may have proved
a challenge and a steep
learning curve for some but
Zoom has also provided
a useful glue to help maintain group cohesion during the pandemic era in the absence of local face to face opportunities for interaction. Even when normality returns, I hope that Zoom will continue to perform a useful role in our activities. Our continued aim is to provide a variety of interesting topics throughout the year that will appeal to our existing members, as well as attract new ones.
We hope that more and more people will develop the confidence to return to our meetings and events
people will develop the confidence to return to our meetings and events. In
line with the general cost
of living, speaker fees are increasing and visitor income from our meetings is vital
to our ability to cover these costs.
Reports on our Spring events will feature in the next edition of Simply Vegetables but, in the meantime, our programme of planned events and current news
can be seen on our website
      products of the season
NVS Judges &
Exhibitors Guide
An invaluable comprehensive
document for exhibitors and Judges
alike. The guide is the official NVS
guide to judging and exhibiting in a
show. a loose-leaf folder (approx.
A5 size) containing over 120 pages of
illustrated and detailed information
with approx. 100 pages on veg
types with what the judge looks for,
including pointing requirements, Merits, Defects, Advice and Pests & Diseases. The guide contains advice for exhibitors, suggestions for Show Organisers, Stewards & Judges.
  Rosie’s Preserving School
FANTASTIC! You’ve grown it – can you keep it? Learn all aspects of preserving your precious
produce in the comfort of your own home.
No experience needed, no special equipment, cook along with me.
LIVE via Zoom – or if you are still on the allotment catch up later with the recording.
All workshops supported with downloadable recipes, equipment advice and any special prep instructions.
Take a look - there are some free workshops you can take as a taster and signing up is quick and easy...
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