Page 7 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2022
P. 7

                                                                            News from the Trustees
 The winter trustees meeting was held on the 27th of January via Zoom. Our Chair, Sandra Hall opened the meeting, welcoming all present.
Fiona Shenfield reported that Membership application forms are been updated to capture the new rolling membership system. The design will be tweaked slightly to reflect our website look and feel and also to include a QR code. All old application forms need to be destroyed once the new forms are sent to Branches and DA’s.
Norman Dickinson issued a membership report in advance of the meeting and reported that our membership grew significantly in 2021. Ian
trials. The numbers have far exceeded
the numbers required. It was reported
that it will be important to get a good geographical spread of members however some may have to be let down for this year but a proposal was made to keep a list of members for future seed trials. It was also noted that it may not be possible to post seed to members in Ireland due to post Brexit restrictions.
Jean Forrester issued a finance report in advance of the meeting. It was reported that accounts reporting has now been changed and only need to show income and expenditure for each year. A separate report was issued in advance of the
the major Banks and Building Societies are closing branches at an increasing rate and are requesting as many of their customers as possible to move to on-line banking.
The NVS rules will need to be updating to cover online authorisation for the Branch signing rules and to be replicated in section 6 for the District Associations. This will require a vote at the next AGM.
SH reported that Zoom talks continue to be very popular with our members and attendance surpassing 100 for all talks. It was agreed that ZOOM talks are a real benefit to our members. The talks have been recorded so they can be made available to the members soon.
The next meeting for the Trustees is scheduled for February 3rd. This meeting will focus on the recent online survey results. Member’s suggestions have
been sorted into themes and assigned as short-term, medium-term, and long-term objectives which will be considered by the trustees. The survey feedback is also to be reviewed against our current development plan actions.
 Simpson provided an update on the growing leaflets. 16 leaflets are now complete and available
on the Library (members only) section of the website. (Cabbages, Courgettes and Brussels Sprouts) added
to the website in January. Globe Beetroot, Onions, Carrots and Leeks are in progress.
A large number of members have volunteered to take part in the seed trials. The numbers have far exceeded the numbers required.
meeting highlighting two main issues affecting the banking of funds received for District Associations.
Under the existing NVS Rules, recently updated and ratified in September 2021, there is a requirement under section 5 (h) for a Branch Treasurer plus one other nominated person to sign
a cheque or authorising document in order to allow the withdrawal of funds from the bank, but there
is no equivalent signing authority required for District Associations. This has come to light as District
Gareth Cameron
updated the trustees on
the continuing positive
engagement with our
sponsors. DT Brown have
provided each member
with a free packet of pickling onion seed “Onion de Paris” in this edition of simply vegetables. A large number of members have volunteered to take part in the seed
Associations attempt to change Banks. The current signing authority rules do not take into account the fact that since
the original rules were written in 2012, all
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Simply Vegetables 7

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