Page 152 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 152

 The Regimental Collect of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Almighty God, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ, Gave us a perfect pattern of service,
Give us Grace that we, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, May be Second to None in following His example, Swifter than Eagles to overtake His enemies,
And serve Thee in Thine everlasting Kingdom, Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Regimental Collect of The Royal Scots Greys
Almighty God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Give thy Grace we pray thee, to The Royal Scots Greys, That we may be Second to None in obedience to Thy will, But swifter than eagles to overtake Thine enemies Ans spoil the power of evil
In strength of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Matthew Tobias Chaplain to the Forces, 1930.
The Regimental Collect of The 3rd Carabiniers
O Lord Jesus Christ, Who in His life and death gave a prefect example of service to all mankind, may it please Thee to behold this our Regiment, the 3rd Carabiniers. Grant us the protection of Thy Holy Spirt so that in all things we may serve Thee faithfully.
Inspire in us all a worthy sense of our great calling that, in peace and in war, we may uphold the right. Bind us in one communion and fellowship with our brothers who have gone before, and bring us all to serve thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Originally composed by the Rev. A.V. Kingston, O.B.E., later Dean of Bulawayo, Hon. Chaplin to the Regiment, on the occasion of the Re-dedication of the War Memorial in 1950.

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