Page 150 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 150

Goose’s first post came as a Tp Ldr in B Sqn under Major Majcher, who took no prisoners, and on Ex SOLWAY EAGLE Goose learnt from Capt McLeod that back briefs should not be delivered from a map! Arduous patrol competitions all over Scotland soon became routine which clearly led to B Sqn’s success throughout Ex WS 21.
Fiercely competitive on PT, specifically anything running related, Goose accredited his naturally ability to the work of his wet nurse in his formative years, and after returning from Kenya post-Christmas leave managed a super-human 2km time considering the extra timber he proudly carried! He was a core member of the cross-country team, and despite wearing thermals from Sept-May, certainly enhanced the results in all competitions he attended.
Goose rapidly became the subbies best friend, particu- larly for his Kenyan timings, a personal thank you for picking up most of the extras awarded and supplying the mess with a constant flow of Pol... The Adjutants worst nightmare, the subbies dream!
Harry Salisbury
Harry Salisbury joined the Regiment in December 2017 and immediately decided he fancied the dunes over the Plain, jetting off on Ex DESERT FALCON with B Sqn. With a sun tan and experience of Jackals in the sun, he began his preparation for his deployment on Op CABRIT in Bemowo Piskie, the
winter. Not regretting the range running qualifications he had sitting in his competencies in any way shape or form, Harry was pivotal in the one or two range packages that C Squadron enjoyed in their build up to moving to the forests of North-Eastern Poland.
Harry then completed his six month tour of Poland with gusto and enthusiasm, taking the reins from Ed Peppiatt in his new role as Training Safety Officer out in Bemowo Piskie Training Area, managing the ranges and exercise areas – securing antitank weapons for live ranges. Strongly supported by Timmy from the home front, Harry finished off his tour in Poland to come back to a country racked by the pandemic.
His time with C Squadron drawing to a close, Harry looked to the Ivory Tower for his next employment. An intelligent man, there was nowhere he was better
Throughout early 2022 Goose ran a successful RAC wide PNCO cadre on the outskirts of Edinburgh. Guiding and testing Tprs through arduous training to ensure they were proficient in green soldiering came naturally to Goose, and despite the horrific weather he managed to return with all safely and better equipped to start their career with rank.
Goose who will be missed by all members of the mess now splits his time between SW1 and Kenya, in toe with his lovely wife Viola and their son Charlie. Not one to shy away from an adventure and having put considerable time and effort into ‘The Ocean Trust’, a project Goose and Vi have set up from scratch which focuses on the restoration of Coral Reefs. We wish them every success for the future, implore him, in spite of the distance not to be a stranger and we look forward to seeing you at Cav Mem. It has been rumoured that since his retirement, Capt Maclachlan Jnr has started full time as Goose’s butler/nanny, board and lodging included and living in the cellar, as expected Jim is no closer to raising the money for his new roof!
Capt LRF Lambert
suited than to fill the boots of our very own Benedict Dent-Pooley in the role of Intelligence Officer. With the Regiment preparing for Ex WESSEX STORM, Harry paved the way with his Road-To-War briefs and effectively let the Battle Group know which vehicles were representing the dreaded BMP2s and T-72s.
From the Plain to the south coast, Harry once again sought the sun with his bags packed for Bovington. For a man of his experience in Pam 21, the SO3 Gunnery role came a callin’. Harry thrived down in Dorset, ‘climbing the ladder’ and finishing his time down there as Adjutant.
A truly kind man and a loyal friend, Harry will be greatly missed in the Leuchars’ Officers’ Mess and by his fellow officers, we wish him and Timmy the best of luck in their future.

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