Page 149 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 149

Capt T Brindley-Slater, 2019-2022
Tom Brindley-Slater, aka the ‘Pre Phys-Lager King’ arrived at SCOTS DG and set unto the Mess as a disgruntled Cpl from 29 Commando RA having been thumbed through the sausage factory that is RMAS. A competent individual, Tom flew through both Sandhurst and The Troop Leaders course, albeit with gritted teeth
questioning how he had dealt with yet another Phase 1 training establishment.
Tom’s first post as a Tp Ldr in C Sqn came at a time when the country was laden with COVID. Having grown a magnificent beard throughout lockdown Tom was rapidly back to duty running Mobile Testing Units across Scotland, a challenge he relished as a budding 2Lt. Popular with all ranks across the Regiment, Tom settled in well and found himself delivering Regimental dismounted LFTT in Warcop before the infamous Ex WESSEX STORM. Tom’s ranges were both challenging and well thought-out, his passion to deliver effective training to all in the SCOTS DG resonated throughout his time at RD.
Zealous for the job, Tom threw himself into the conventional side of soldiering, excellent in the field, Ex WS provided the perfect opportunity to show the more junior Tp Ldrs how it’s done. With an infectious sense of humour Tom certainly brought out the best in his soldiers, affording them opportunities they might not have been exposed to; this was evident from his impressive dismounted knowledge and his lessons on terrorism, the depth he went into was both concerning and impressive! In 2021 Tom deployed to Oman as part of Ex KHANJAR OMAN as OPFOR. The ROYAL IRISH BG were exercising with B Sqn as
Capt A Roberts (2019-2022)
Angus Roberts, Goose to his pals, started at RMAS in May 2018 and after the initial shock of capture managed to commandeer an inter- national cadet’s Kenyan flash, gold dust! Goose, disguised as an overseas cadet managed to get away with murder, when questioned why he was late to his third lecture of the week he would
look confused and point to the Kenyan flash, “sorry
partofPDTforOpNEWCOMBE;aroleTomexcelled in, out thinking the conventional forces on several occasions, placing counter OPs and generally making a nuisance of himself, something B Sqn found particu- larly beneficial throughout the Ex.
On return from Ex KHANJAR OMAN Tom was tasked with running MCC Ranges for both A and B Sqn. According to a well renowned SSgt, Tom was single handily responsible for the largest range fire in the SW, 14 Fire Engines flew to 5 Tips to extinguish the biblical fire, luckily no one was harmed although the Fire Safely plan was effectively tried and tested.
Tom’s sporting prowess was confined to the Mess where on more than one occasion he put a bid in for first place when competing in, The Tunnel of Love, one of the Mess’ more unique games, saved for Subalterns as an important end of term activity. His stake to the top was fiercely challenged by Lt Snowball who demonstrated a valiant effort but was unconvincing in his attempt.
The Pre Phys-Lager King, (for those of you who want/need the story I am sure Cavalry Memorial will be an appropriate time) will be sorely missed for his ruthless honestly, witty sense of humour and general competence. Following countless 11hr journeys home to Plymouth, resulting in numerous cans of Skud and in Tom’s words delicious succulent bines he came to the decision that there was more to life that spending the majority of his weekends on the M6. He has successfully found employment in Management Consultancy with i3 Works who have a close link to the MOD, confirming his passion for Defence. Tom has moved to Plymouth with his better half Maddie and her daughter Edie who I know are very pleased to have around on a permanent basis, on behalf of everyone at SCOTS DG we wish them the very best for the future and look forward to seeing you all at Cav Mem.
Capt LRF Lambert
Serjeant Major”, and to quote Ron Burgundy, 60% of the time, it works, every time!
Goose arrived at SCOTS DG having decimated the deer population in Dorset, excited for a new challenge in Leuchars, reconnaissance was at the forefront of his mind, predominantly for the local wildlife. Dawn, our ever-dependable accommodation manager had the shock of her life when looking for an ice-cream and found, ‘Bambi’s head int’ freezer’, Goose who was the immediate suspect had not managed to sort said head out for mounting before disappearing on leave!

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