Page 16 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 16

2022 has been a challenging year for C Squadron. With the deployment of B Squadron on Op NEWCOME ROTO 4 and A Squadron preparing for Op NEWCOME ROTO 5, C Squadron has borne the brunt of regimental taskings which have included some major highlights, such as the continuation of Op RESCRIPT, the activation of Op LONDON BRIDGE, and a 3rd Division deployment exercise. The challenges have been exacerbated by an ever-changing nominal roll, which has seen four OCs, three 2ICs and two SQMS, with the ever-present WO2 Mitchell MC providing the continuity as SSM.
The year started in a similar fashion to last with soldiers deployed on Op RESCRIPT under Sgt Crate at Nottingham University Hospitals. Working in the Specialist Receiving Unit, Radiology and Surgery departments they provided essential support to staff and care to patients during unprecedented pressure on the NHS and their efforts produced a glowing letter of thanks from the Chief Nurse of NUH. Whilst their jobs couldn’t be described as glamorous, their outputs provided a tangible benefit and were a credit not only to themselves but to the Army as a whole. They were
also given a hamper from the staff of their respective units which somehow found its way into Sgt Crate’s boot... With the relaxing of Covid-19 measures in mid-January the squadron was able to return to normal training and the first serial of the year was the newly established LCpl ADLP course held at Kirkcudbright which was supported by Cpls MacLeod and Mather. Soldiers from across the RAC came together to partake in the two week course described as “an all-inclusive holiday any squaddie would cherish,” to see if the were at the standard required to take the next step towards promotion. The first week began with the dreaded old money 2.4 mile run, where SCOTS DG soldiers naturally shone, and the holiday continued with lessons on an array of topics from RAC personalities to fieldcraft. It would be a challenge for the second week of the course to top the first, however, with some awful weather forecast and an extra rocky digging site booked by Sgt Thapa for exercise, it looked like the young soldiers would be on to a winner. Sodden ground, water features, baby heads on steroids, felled trees and some good inclines set the scene for the final battle to flush out the enemy force. However, this wasn’t your standard adversary: with C Squadron providing
Major Dan Lee-Mikus
   C Sqn continue to love the med training
WESSEX STORM range build on Salisbury Plain

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