Page 17 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 17

  C Sqn Med Training
the bulk of the enemy, if you wanted your stripe the barbaric LCpl Byham and his band of fanatics stood in your way. LCpl Dunbar was shipped in from the US especially for the task and LCpl Koms was nicknamed the Butcher – this was a serious outfit to be reckoned with. Despite this merciless force, victory was achieved with SCOTS DG and the Light Cavalry leading the way. Congratulations goes to the top student, LCpl McAdam and runner up, LCpl Foley. The inaugural running of this course set the standard for all future RAC ADLP iterations and both the DS and partici- pants deserve recognition for their outstanding efforts in producing the next generation of RAC commanders and cementing the fundamentals of what it means to be a leader.
February began with the Troopers’ Foundation Course, which gave new soldiers the opportunity to both develop their professional skillset and delve further into the Regimental history and ethos. A Platform Weapons Operator course in Warcop, dismounted ranges and trips to Home Headquarters at Edinburgh Castle were organised by Maj Champion which all proved to be a success. February moved quickly into March, with Sgt Connell leading a self-described “dream team” of soldiers on Ex ARIES WONDER – the support to Light Role Recce Commanders’ Course – in Sennybridge Brecon. The team, full of optimism and having been briefed by the DS that they would be operating out of Farm 5 which had the luxury of heaters and showers, arrived to discover that they would operating out of a stone hut with sentry points to be staffed 24/7. The team obviously embraced this news, especially as the weather set-in right-on cue, which led to Pte Ria demonstrating the layering system by wearing practically the entire contents of his bergen.
Cpl Neil with 2 new friends
After being observed for a few days by the exercising troops, they then moved location, with the DS again promising a nice house and a bit of fishing around a campfire. Fishing, sadly, turned out to be a skirmish in the FIBUA village, however, thankfully the fire didn’t disappoint with Tpr Newman constructing a pyre that even brought the neighbouring Marines in for a heat. ENDEX brought not only an end to the DS lies but smiling faces from both C Squadron soldiers and exercising troops all round. Credit goes to this group for being able to provide a dynamic, free thinking and challenging enemy in a harsh environment, providing excellent training value for all. Despite this, one key point was still brought out in the After-Action Review – “Maybe next time we could go in the summer?”
Prior to the regimental REORBAT for Op NEWCOME in April, the squadron sent a contingent down to Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) to support Ex JACKALS CHALLENGE under Sgt Crate, which was fantastic experience for 12 new drivers to hone their skills behind the wheels of the Jackal 2 vehicle. This exercise provided two weeks for the drivers to not only develop their driving abilities but also to help guide new commanders through the ins and outs of the vehicle – excellent training value for all involved. The reORBAT saw the departure of Capt A. Dwizg as the Squadron 2IC and the arrival of Capt J. McLauchlan, who would soon become SSM Mitchell’s BFF. May also saw Tpr “Gucci” Graham’s engagement to his American fiancé and the start of his transition into civvy street – our congratulations to them both.
With summer leave just around the corner there was one last major hurdle for C Squadron to get over, the SPTA range build for Ex WESSEX EAGLE. Sgt

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