Page 21 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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After looking over past years’ HQ Squadron articles for some inspiration before writing this, I noted that all follow a common theme: how busy a year it has been for HQ Sqn over each twelve-month period. Well, I can confirm it did not change for 2022 and HQ Sqn has had another exceptionally demanding year.
I think it is important to start off with expressing my thanks to all our officers, soldiers, and their families for the hard work and resilience over the last year. It has been hard on our families with the amount of time we have been away training, filling trawls and career courses. As I write this article, in Mali on the run up to Christmas, it has given me some time to reflect, and I would like to especially thank our families for their continued support which gives us the ability to focus on our job.
HQ Squadron has not been its traditional structure this year, with preparations for ROTO 5 Op NEWCOME starting immediately after Christmas leave. Although we would not re-role into our deployed orbat until September, the squadron was still being pulled in different directions due to the training requirement and multitude of roles we would be undertaking on our deployment. Capt Davie Dodds and the training wing had produced an excellent spreadsheet with all the required courses and the numbers we all needed to have qualified in theatre specific training. At first glance it looked like a daunting task because the courses would be over large parts of our build up training: the team managed to help us get there in the end.
The Deployed LE’s, Capt Bruce Barclay, Maj Stevie Chart, Maj Dez O’Connor, Capt Dan McNeill
The first major event was Ex WESSEX EAGLE which saw the Regiment deploy down to Braunton Burrows on the North Devon coast. As ever, this resulted in another epic drive for HQ Sqn and the G4 team from Leuchars down to RMB Chivenor to support A Squadron’s training on Braunton Burrows followed by command troop with the QMs team setting up in Westdown camp for the second part of the exercise. Although Leuchars is a great location for the regiment, every training event is a good trek away. Luckily on this occasion, we were able to transport all the vehicles down on flatbeds, but we wouldn’t be so lucky later in the year.
I think this is the first time the regiment has conducted driver training at this location, but I could be wrong. The length of the beach and its sandy surroundings were perfect conditions for preparing our drivers and commanders for similar driving conditions on Op NEWCOMBE. SSgt Humphries and Sgt McLelland designed the exercise which provided some challenging driving circumstances and excellent pre-deployment training. The training area is a national heritage site with some strict rules for using the area but, A Squadron being A Squadron decided to try and bend the rules slightly which, needless to say, didn’t go down well with the former Royal Tank Regimetn range safety warden. The Padre also tried to get involved, driving the Padres car onto the area which, was also strictly forbidden but apparently, “God gave me permission”. After this first week of training, we then headed off to Westdown camp to
The ROG LE’s, Capt Jenni Young, The RCMO Capt Tam McCann, ROG OC Maj Gary Smith and Trg Off Capt Davie Dodds
Major Dez O’Connor

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