Page 23 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 23

This year has been an incredibly busy period that has seen Command Troop not only worked hard, but also split into the necessary parts for the deployment to Mali.
The year started with a mini-Combined Arms Staff Trainer (CAST) conducted in Command Troop hangar, where BGHQ was blessed with not one, but two RSOs. However, on realising this, Capt Pring decided that he would whip out the “Track and Trace” app and enjoy a few days holiday up in the Northern HAS so that Capt Peppiatt could put his newly imparted RSO skills to practice, alongside his BGE responsibilities (he had done Civil Engineering at university so obviously it made sense!).
MiniCAST tick achieved, the team headed off to Catterick for a week in the field to conduct CAST. SSgt Barrett and his team grafting, as per, BGHQ was assembled, and the staff officers got to work. With his quota of graft reached, Cpl Grimes pulled a “Pring” and bagged a few extra days in camp after a Purple Heart level injury to the lip from a tent peg. Meanwhile Cpl
Bell was resting in bed – and definitely not sulking... definitely not. Although faced with a busy few days of planning, time was found for the new game of “Who said it? Chalmers or Pepps?” with classics such as “you should google the Bagnold Sun Compass – its really cool!”. With a culture now set by Capt Pring for RSOs heading off on holidays, Capt Peppiatt decided that he fancied some sun and safari, and jetted off to Kenya to be an Observer Mentor for PWRR’s Ex ASKARI STORM as a BGHQ and CIS OM. Suncream packed, the – only just – least ginger of the G6 team jumped on a plane to Africa to see some elephants and judge some comms. WO2 Mullan wasted no time in jumping into the RSO seat, supported by his right-hand man SSgt Weatherston. On the home front, SSgt Barrett and his band of not so many men maintained the vehicle fleet and signals store in preparation for the up-and-coming MRX. SSgt Barrett and Tpr Friel also managed to sneak in a week’s leave to watch their beloved Rangers play in the Europa League Final. The quest for sun was a success, even if the match result was a resounding defeat.
Captain EHD Peppiatt & Staff Sergeant S Barrett
  Sgt Jordan “Robin Hood” Stodart meets HRH The Duke of Kent.

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