Page 25 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 25

 Nothing is closer to the heart of SCOTS DG LAD than its responsibility to provide a good service to the regiment. The most important components in doing so have undoubtedly been the squadron Fitter Sections who have excelled this year. A, B and HQ Squadron Fitters have had twelve months of Individual (iMST), Collective Mission Specific Training (cMST) and an Op NEWCOMBE deployment. Throughout, in the finest tradition of the regiment’s LAD Soldiers, this group have proved to be as competent and innovative as ever – especially in the delivery of frontline support to the Long-Range Reconnaissance Group (LRRG) in Mali.
The year commenced with build-up training for B Sqn Fitters. As well as the compendium of mandated training and an extremely lengthy iMST and cMST pathway to deploy on subsequent operations, the team planned and executed two successful Individual Training Requirements (ITR) weeks in Leuchars to support and conducted their own range package to qualify everyone on pistol and rifle. With the LAD blessed with several Military Training Instructors (MTIs) and a very supportive regimental Training Wing, the Section qualified the majority of JNCOs as Drivers or Commanders on Jackals and Coyotes and those that needed it completed the Platform Weapon Operators (PWO) course and signaller’s course. The team deployed to Mali on Op NEWCOMBE 4 in May as the LRRG attached to the 1 Royal Irish Task Group (TG) LAD. B Sqn Fitters had a fantastic tour
B Sqn SVR (87D) Recovering a MASTIFF during Op NEWCOMBE ROTO 4
SSgt Wykes, Sgt Bell and 17B in the Sahel Dessert
maintaining the highest sub-unit availability across the entire TG throughout over their six months in the Sahara Desert. They were happy to return to the UK in December having spent nearly nine of their last twelve months away from Leuchars.
In the early part of the year, the remainder of the LAD were involved in supporting a RAC Mobility Cadre in Chivenor and range packages in Barry Budden, Castlemartin and Lulworth. A Sqn, HQ Sqn and the EME commenced the aforementioned (and very lengthy) MST for Op NEWCOMBE 5 in Jun and have been operating at a sprint ever since. Ex WESSEX EAGLE, Ex GAO TEMPEST (MRX), LFTT on Castlemartin ranges, CALFEX in Thetford, a Troop Commanders Cadre (TCC) and a Conceptual Briefing Course have fixed those deploying with the SCOTS DG Task Group. After two months on operations to date, the pace has not slowed. A Sqn and HQ Sqn took over a very tired fleet and have done extremely well to regenerate, getting a good hand on ECM and weapon maintenance activity at the same time. Most importantly they have provided support to Operation ELWAN activity for the deployable Task Group. The Recovery Mechanics, VMs and Techs have earned their money and even the hard to please BGLO has publicly stated that ‘every one of them is a hard worker and a good guy’. Praise indeed from Maj O Connor - and long may it continue.
Sadly, due to workforce issues and tempo, C Sqn Fitters have backfilled the remainder of the team
Capt D McNeill

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