Page 28 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 28

  Visiting Regimental Museum
Det Comd. After a well-deserved selection for promotion LCpl Tasker also managed to squeeze in his ALDP prior to deployment.
Despite the busy pace of life in Scotland, there have also been opportunities to take part in other forms of training. Sgt McCrosson was selected to deploy on Op SHADER for 6 months which saw him stretch his talents in the role of force cashier. Pte Bura was selected to represent the AGC as part of the football team and has already contributed to a few games and Pte Gurung 99 is working with the gymnasium staff in the hope of attending his PTI course, ensuring no slacking on the PT front for the remainder of the Det. WO2 Taube also corralled the Det into assisting in ABF Scotland’s annual dinner and raffle and was supported by Lt Donbavand, Sgt Whyman, Cpl Birss and Pte Gurung 89. An excellent evening was had by all and despite her departure I’m sure she will be calling on us again to assist in raising funds for such a worthy cause.
As with many, the sad passing of Her Majesty the Queen saw the Det wishing to pay their respects for her years of unwavering service, so plans were put in place to visit Her Majesty lying at rest in St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh. A truly humbling experience for all.
ABF Dinner
Regardless of the frantic pace of life over the year there have also been many opportunities for some team bonding with outings to the Regimental Museum, The Whisky Experience and some very competitive go-karting. LCpl Keicher once again showed her warrior spirit with a spot of deer stalking, where she remarkably managed to shoot 2 deer with only one shot. To close off the year the Det’s annual Secret Santa was held, with our civilian Leave and Movements Clerk, Mrs Agnes Newton, ensuring everyone received a gift, some more appropriate than others.
Morale in the Detachment is high with personnel continuing to deliver above and beyond the required standards and all with a smile on their faces. We now look forward to coming back together as a Detachment in Leuchars in 2023.
  Secret Santa

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