Page 35 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 35

Another year has swiftly passed by; however, the Guardroom remains the driving force of the Regiment’s continued success both at home and abroad. The Guardroom nightlife continues to be a thriving hub, with its constant appeal for some after-work activity proving popular with many loyal members, who subse- quently ensure that the Regimental Duty Staff are keptbusy.Withtheforecastofeventspromisingfor another demanding year, the Regimental Duty Staff set out to implement the RSM’s policy and ensure that the highest standards were being adhered to.
2022 started off with a new member of the frontline Duty Staff, Cpl “Jimmy “Mather, who joined the team from C Sqn. The first major activity was the annual dismounted range package which would set the conditions for the pre-deployment package later in the year. The Duty Staff proved their adaptability, not only setting the standard in Barracks but also during unit training, with the RDC putting his extensive range qualifications to good use by assisting in the delivery of a very successful Regimental range package.
Activity started to ramp up signifi- cantly after Easter leave as the Duty Staff formed up as part of the CO’s TAC Group in preparation for Op NEWCOMBE ROTO 5 deployment towards the end of the year.
June saw the CO’s TAC deploy for the first time as a Troop on the mounted and dismounted live Firing package, where they quickly got back up to speed on their dismounted drills on Salisbury Plain, much to the delight of the RDC, who constantly reminded all those around him that he was actually a born and bred infantry soldier with years of invaluable experience. Promptly estab- lishing themselves and becoming the envy of the Regiment with their swift movement and robust drills, this level of excellence continued onto the mounted phase with the RSM’s vehicle leading the way and setting the standard for other crews to follow.
After some much deserved summer leave, it was time to put both their skills and newly established knowledge into practice on the Mission Readiness Exercise in order to prove Operational readiness for Op NEWCOMBE.
After such a busy period, it was time for some well-earned Pre-Deployment leave. With the uncertainty of deployment on Op NEWCOMBE ROTO 5, the RDS were ultimately deemed surplus to requirements and joined the Rear Operations Group. However, the RDC deployed to Mali in order to
support the RSM in upholding the Regiment’s high standards whilst on tour. We wish all those that deployed a safe tour and look forward to their return and the challenges of the
coming year.
Sergeant Stodart

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