Page 36 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 36

Capt Gary Smith & WO2(RQMS) McCall
 The Quartermaster’s Department arrived back to work after having enjoyed a welcome break over Christmas. However, it was of no surprise to find that a few “fastballs” were swinging our way and with the haze of the New Year hangover still lingering, things seemed more difficult than usual to resource. Eagle and Carbine articles usually start with the phrase “this has been another hectic year” but this year has been hectic with a difference.
Firstly, we must recognise the personnel changes that have taken place over the past twelve months. We waved goodbyetotheMaj‘Jimmy’Taylor,whohasbeenassigned as SO2 G4 at Land Warfare Centre (LWC) Warminster. As QM, his guidance has significantly benefited the Department and Regiment, and we congratulate him on his well-deserved promotion (retirement).
We also welcome the next cohort of G4 enablers to the QM’s Department. Capt ‘Gary’ Smith has taken over as the new QM. Our ammunition team has also been strengthened by the arrival of LCpl ’John’ Ferrans, he will be a fantastic addition the team.
During the early part of January, the Dept was focused on supporting the Troopers Foundation Course (TFC). It was a hugely successful 3-week period, developing our young soldiers on leadership and fieldcraft skills, as well as crucial aspects of the marksmanship principles.
The first quarter of the year proved to be extremely busy and challenging for the Department in supporting and resourcing B Squadron on their Mission Specific Training (MST) for OP NEWCOMBE ROTO 4, as well as A Squadron deploying on an Overseas Training Exercise (OTX) in the USA. Sleepless nights were to follow to ensure that both Squadrons were correctly resourced and mention must go to the Clothing storemen, Cpl ’Keiran’ Crawford and LCpl ’Gus’ Briandt, for ensuring all VIRTUS and warm weather clothing was available and to Sgt ’Policy’ Paul Musson for working tirelessly in ensuring that the correct natures of ammunition arrived at the Port for the sailing date. To our delight the OTX was cancelled at the last moment, as the ammunition never quite made it on time (an earful the RQ was certainly happy to escape from Divisional Headquarters). After a quick check of our ‘fives and twenties’ and a short NAFFI break, it was onto the Regimental Range package at Warcop. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse for our ammunition
storeman Cpl ’Simmy’ McAinsh who, believe it or not, put his back out watching NETFLIX in his bed – a story he never wanted anyone to hear. To the rescue, however, was the ever-reliable Cpl “Jonesy” Jones, who parachuted himself in from Leuchars to ensure that the Ranges could continue and the Squadron could reach their start state for the forthcoming deployment.
It was then onto a Summer Regimental level exercise on Salisbury Plain – Ex WESSEX EAGLE 2. This was an invaluable chance test ourselves in the field whilst providing crucial support to the Task Group. During the exercise, we encountered several problems and found it hard to support several training serials setup in a few different counties. In true typical “Grey Beret” fashion, we did however manage to forge key relationships with the training facility civilian staff and all requirements were of course met.
After a well-deserved period of summer leave, we continued with the delivery of G4 Support to the Regiment, who were now on the final leg of their journey prior to deploying on the Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRX) in STANTA. After a reshuffle of the Department and now working with a minimum workforce, Cpl McAinsh was once again selected to visit his second home in Lulworth in order to support a last-minute range package with the RQ. In true SCOTS DG fashion, he was commended for his no-nonsense, diligent approach to the management of ammunition and he subsequently received personal praise for what was a successful range period and the best practice with ammunition management that had been seen for a long time.
As Christmas now approached, the remainder of the Dept that hadn’t deployed took the opportunity for some team bonding with a visit organised by Cpl Crawford to the ‘Escape Rooms’ for some team building, finishing with a meal (of course supplemented by military discount). We all now look forward to 2023, which will see the Task Group deployed on OP NEWCOMBE ROTO 5, B Squadron returning from some well-deserved POTL and the G4 team beginning the arduous task of planning for Exercise WESSEX STORM at the end of the year.
It has been a super year and I would like to extend enormous thanks to all those who have worked in the Department and delivered in spades.

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