Page 39 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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 tirelessly in getting the fleets handed over in good order. Sandwiched between the MRX and ROTO 5 deployment the department had to get through a Land Equipment Assurance inspection LEA to complete this with a great report at the end of such a busy period shows the Regiment is in a great place moving forward.
The ROTO 5 deployment began early for the SCOTS DG G4 element, being on the second flight mid-November. The early stages of a Relief in Place (RiP) is taking over all the accounts, with over 300 to look forward to, and also learning the lay of the land in our new home Camp Bagnold for the next six months – or so we thought! Two weeks into the HOTO we were informed that the Op NEWCOMBE and ROTO 5 will be the last rotation and we would be drawing down the operation. With the task group numbers depleting by 30% the NSE would be still deploying in its entirety and would be assisting with the drawdown. After several weeks of HOTO activity SCOTS DG TG were in palce.
A new challenge therefore arose, bigger than ever anticipated. We always knew the draw down may come our way but now that it is reality, the NSE along
with the theatre draw down team are responsible for getting all vehicles and equipment back to the UK: an estimated 350 million pounds of equipment. Between the NSE, now made up of 33 support personnel from all cap badges with their own unique skillsets, and the RAF controlling the flights in and out, we were working tightly and better together to achieve one of the greatest G4 and logistic accomplishments that SCOTS DG have been involved in for a long time.
Another year and more movement of personnel in the QM(T) dept workforce, leaving us WO2 Lang takes over his position as RQ at ATDU and Cpl Pragnell takes over his new role with the QOY. The department wishes them all the best for their future endeavours and to the hard work they put in whilst in their positions. The department is delighted to announce the Pte Burenivalu has been selected for promotion to LCpl and will pick up his new rank on posting. Joining the team; WO2 Messenger from A Sqn, SSgt Humphries as EE SNCO & Cpl Druavesi coming in to take over EE JNCO: welcome to the team and remember G4 just happens!

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