Page 52 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 52

  C SSM Eddie Mitchell MC, RQ T Mel Messenger, HQ SSM Kev Taylor, MTWO Paddy Kelly
much keen to either win the race “Sgt Jordan Stodart” or you were out on the track to cause absolute carnage “WO2 David Harley”.
With a great afternoon outing it was then topped on a higher note with a curry dinner and a bar fully stocked, WO1 (RSM) Brown ensuring it was a Levi night, Result!
In April, we finally said cheerio to previous WO1 Capt McCann, McAleese, Chart & WO2 Dodds with some great speeches, particularly from (RQ) Scotty McCall on Capt Stevie Chart.
May, B Sqn were finally out the door for Mali OP NEWCOMBE.
September, TGHQ and A Sqn deployed on MRX and I’m not sure who had a good time out and about in the freezing cold.
Few A Sqn Seniors stuffing their faces with turkey
September, 4 out of 5 WO2s received their well-earned Warrants. WO2 David Harley not present due to deployment.
The mess also said their goodbyes to WO2 Kenny Imrie a full 22-year service. He will be missed!
To finish off a hard-working year we finally got into the “tis season to be jolly” with a few Xmas celebrations within Leuchars Station. Hosting Officers to Seniors. Within ROG, A & B Sqn Seniors we had a very low key gathering in St Andrews for a xmas meal and drinks.
The Mess now look forward to 2023, with a busy calendar year already planned. Focus will be to get the Regiment all back safely from OP NEWCOMBE to start prepping for EX Wessex Storm in October.
  The mess also said their goodbyes to WO2 Kenny Imrie a full 22-year service. He will be missed!

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