Page 60 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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 see. Aside from the creeping risk of sunburn, head coverings in the form of a top hat kept the author’s solar panel from catching too much heat. The tour of Windsor ended in the central stadium of the show, where, to no great surprise, Mr Malone was judged the best coach in show, receiving acclaim in front of thousands for his team and efforts. As fortune had it, the SCOTS DG Pipes & Drums were in attendance at Windsor, and a quick phone call (and electric golf cart ride) saw a piper and drummer arrive fully attired
Tower Farm’s resplendent Greys at the Opening of BHS Scotland’s HQ
to the “coach” park: an impromptu concert ensued, much to the delight of the fine people of the coaching community. Mr Malone’s generosity has been beyond imagining: the Regiment is hugely grateful for the opportunity that he offered, and we would like nothing more to continue the relationship going forward. To have access to such an elegant piece of Regiment history: so beautifully cared for and curated, is a true boon for which we are incredibly fortunate.
Looking forward to 2023, a return to ceremonial and riding routine is on the horizon. The focus therefore shall be grassroots riding, as we are soon to see the departure of many of the seasoned riding veterans. Wider refurbishment of ceremonial tack is in train, with an aspiration to hold eight complete sets of ceremonial tack, enabling the Regiment to parade a full mounted troop. No doubt once the Regiment settles back into Scottish life, polo will once more make a resurgence, and efforts will continue to grow an OR as well as an OF team. The future remains bright for equitation, and we are enormously grateful for both those within, and without the Regiment for making it possible.
The Regimental Coach 1877

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