Page 7 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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Welcome to the 2022 Eagle and Carbine. In a break from recent tradition, this Preface is deliberately short, and experimental. Since the Colonel of The Regiment began to write a Preface in our magazine the Colonel Commandant of the Royal Armoured Corps has also been added with a Foreword. It seems to me there is now quite a deal at the front end of our magazine, which might actually never be read.
So here follows the experiment. If you really think a Colonel of The Regiment’s Preface adds value to our magazine do please tell me during 2023.
This volume of our magazine is important, recording as it does the sad passing of our Colonel-in-Chief. In what must, in my opinion, be recognised as her last great service to our United Kingdom, Her Late Majesty The Queen died in Balmoral. Our Regiment therefore had the privilege of finding representation in her final journey both in Scotland and at the State Funeral in London. On behalf of all of you, I had the honour to attend the Offer of Condolence in the Scottish Parliament as well as to attend the State Funeral and march with Colonels for other regiments to whom she was Colonel-in-Chief from Westminster Abbey to Constitution Hill. And as you know we provided our Pipes and Drums and a marching contingent to the State Funeral. It was a very moving experience for all of us
That the Regiment was able to provide both the Pipes and Drums and a marching contingent concurrently with being on its Mission Rehearsal Exercise for deployment to Mali is a testament to all the planning that had been undertaken over a number of years. It also reflects so well on the flexibility and ability of our soldiers today.
As I look across the last year, I see that our Regiment has acquitted itself well. All serving ranks, and those retired who have public roles (I think of members of the Royal Company of Archers) or who have turned their hand to help are warmly congratulated. Another excellent year, well done.
Brigadier BP Edwards OBE The Colonel of the Regiment

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