Page 9 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 9

Maj HGS Foster
 Plan early, plan twice...
As far as principles of war go, ‘flexibility’ has been the watchword for A Squadron this year; ‘concen- tration of force’ has, at times, been difficult to achieve; and ‘surprise’ (shock and confusion induced by the deliberate or incidental introduction of the unexpected) has been a constant companion. Through it all, however, the people of A Squadron have met peaks and troughs with characteristic good humour and equanimity, achieving remarkable feats at every stage.
From the off, the squadron was split to the four winds. In a world dominated by COVID and prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we were scrambled at short notice to join the national main effort to combat infection. Led by our unflappable band of senior NCOs, troops headed south of the Border to the hospitals of the East Midlands, spreading calm, compassion, and their unique brand of wit to those sorely in need. A fantastic effort that once again, if ever proof were needed, showcased the adaptability and utility of the RAC soldier.
After ranges in Lulworth, the next chunk of the year was slated for a Squadron level deployment to California for Ex DIAMONDBACK with the US Army. SSgt Jarret had growled at movements staff
Mr Adam finally understanding the chain of command
in many different services either side of the Atlantic from beneath his immaculately coiffured moustache,

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