Page 79 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 79

South West of England
The South West of England Branch has continued to build after the difficulty of the pandemic. In 2022 we maintained the One Regiment theme with past and present members of the regimental family getting together. In support, we would like to welcome Lt Col Mick Lillie as our Deputy Chairman and Mr Alan Carcary to the Committee.
We are now concentrating on the cost-of-living crisis and helping where we can. After discussing with our area members, we decided not to hold a dinner this year due to the increased costs bought on by the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. We send our best wishes to Ukraine for a successful and swift conclusion of this war.
This year’s gathering in November, was the usual success despite being a little lower on numbers. We were delighted to welcome the Colonel of the Regiment, Colonel Ben, and the Chairman of the Regimental Association, Colonel Charlie Lambert. As always, we would like to thank the Commanding Officer of the Royal Wessex Yeomanry for letting us use the Mess and to WO2 Emma Walsh for running the bar. We were also entertained by the Pipe Major and mini band from the Waterloo Pipes and Drums. Having some Pipes and Drums at the Gathering always proves to be a highlight and this year was no exception. After playing two excellent sets the pipers joined the rest of us for a well-earned pint. Slightly worryingly for those present, the Branch Chairman joined the Band for one set and actually managed not to make a fool of himself, or so he thinks! Finally, we thank Katarina Oliver for producing the food for the evening; as usual, not a lot was left.
The Regimental Officers’ Dinner
We were very pleased several Branch members, once again, took part in the Cenotaph Parade on Remembrance Sunday. Our retired Chairman, Mike Oliver, must have been one of the oldest on parade still marching! This is always a great event, and we encourage others to attend future parades.
During the year we have done what we could to provide support by contacting those we knew to be alone. This has been particularly important due to the increased cost of living, and we ask all members to bear this in mind. In addition, we have worked hard to rebuild and maintain our membership list to assist us in providing this vital support.
Moving forward, we are making plans for 2023 which will include our dinner in early July, and the gathering in November as usual. We also plan to hold a golf tournament to coincide with the gathering to be organised and run by Robert Breslin. Above that, we will also attempt to hold a family day for the wider regiment in the south. We are looking at the art of the possible, including perhaps combining with other Armoured Corp Regiments. All dates will be sent out as soon as we know them and as always, we would welcome any ideas.
2023 will see us build on this year with a growing new Committee committed to serving our regiment in the years ahead and we very much hope that more past members will attend our events and be joined by as many of the serving members as possible in 2023.
  The officers of the Regiment dined at the New Club, Edinburgh on Friday 21 October 2022. Brigadier BP Edwards OBE, Colonel of the Regiment, was in the chair. Lieutenant Colonel B Parkyn, Commanding Officer, gave a report on the Regiment. The others attending the dinner were:
Maj RHG Anderson Maj RM Anderson Capt B Barclay RMA Boylin Esq Capt J Brown
Capt JD Campbell
Lt Col GG Craig
Capt WS Chart
AN Cumming Esq
Capt PA Douglas
Maj JMK Erskine MBE Maj R Falshaw
R Farquhar Esq WJ Fooks Esq
Maj HGS Foster Capt WJK Galbraith Capt AJD Gale
Maj TJ Graham Capt D Lockwood Capt AC Hainey Capt M Hendry ADS Horne Esq OMH Horridge Esq Capt RD Houstoun Maj JAF Jackson Capt MHS Jameson Col CF Lambert Capt ME Lapping
Capt RF Le Sueur
Maj DP Lee
Maj RH Lorimer
Maj WGL Mackinlay MVO Capt JD Maclachlan
Capt RC Maclachlan Maj RWB Maclean
Lt Col AS Marjoribanks SGR Martyr Esq
Capt CWH McFall
Capt D McNeil
Capt CKM Melville The Rev JAH Murdoch Maj ED O’Brien
Maj WD O’Connor HRH Prince Pavlos Capt EHD Peppiatt Maj MDA Pocock Maj ACM Potter
G Rawal Esq
The Rev M Rutter JR Scrutton Esq Maj G Smith
Capt MA Somers Capt D Taylor Maj JR Taylor APM Todorov Esq Capt TA Walpole

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