Page 85 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 85

  Remembrance at Bury St Edmunds
HMS Vengeance (Port)
The start of this year saw HMS VENGEANCE (PORT) return from deterrent patrol, having spent an extended period at sea providing the UK’s Strategic Nuclear Deterrent. Since returning, our team had a period of support crew, allowing them to reconnect with loved ones and take some much needed and well-deserved leave. Following leave, they returned to support a very busy Base Maintenance Period, helping their opposite crew regenerate HMS VENGEANCE to maintain our readiness profile and ensuring that she was ready to deploy on operations again.
During the support crew period, our crew took the opportunity to utilise the Navy Outdoor Centre Germany. A group from our crew went and conducted a multi-activity AT package that included: kayaking, mountaineering, climbing, mountain biking and klettersteig. Others attended and completed profes- sional courses as they looked to gain qualifications and build their AT portfolio.
After the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, HMS VENGEANCE helped the wider defence effort to ensure that her funeral service was one that she deserved after such great service to our nation. It
HMS Vengeance deployed at sea
was an honour to have a small contingent from our crew form part of the 142 sailors that were asked to pull the gun carriage that carried her coffin to the Abbey. Whilst some did this, others represented VENGEANCE by lining the streets and taking up security positions.
Ceremonially, this year HMS VENGEANCE was able to parade for Submariners Remembrance Weekend in London. All that attended thoroughly enjoyed connecting with other Submariners, both old and young; sharing stories of some of the more precarious situations they have found themselves in through our line of work. Following this, the crew attended Remembrance Weekend at our Affiliated town of Bury St Edmunds. Our crew was proud to be part of the festival of Remembrance and represent the Submarine service south of the border!
Our crew now looks ahead as we regenerate from a training perspective and prepare to deploy on operations again next year.
   Military Medical Revolution
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   Available via the Museum of Military Medicine ( and main bookshops
Also available in hardback

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