Page 83 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 83

Hunter River Lancers - Australia
Soldiers work with the Lismore Community to restore the Celtic Football Club
The year 2022 began with an influx of personnel into key positions within the unit with the Regimental Quartermaster, WO2 Laurence Dam-Hansen, Chief Clerk, WO2 Megan Dunningham and Adjutant, CAPT Zac Williams arriving into RHQ in January.
The personnel changes continued out in the Squadrons with the retirement of OC A Squadron, MAJ Thatcher, heralding the return of MAJ Andrew May to the position, with MAJ Darren Dwyer taking the reigns as the REGT 2IC. Our manning confirmed, the unit
12/16 HRL Soldiers conduct Route Reconnaissance to cut off communities.
set about preparing itself for what was to be another busy year.
It did not take long for the tempo to increase, and once again the unit was called upon to respond to heavy flooding across New South Wales and southern Queensland in March. Soldiers from both A and B Squadrons along with a number of vehicles deployed to assist in route reconnaissance, road clearing, food distribution and general assistance to communities in Lismore, Casino, Bungawalbin and Coffs harbour.
BBDA Clear!

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