Page 98 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 98

Glasgow and Lanarkshire Battalion Army Cadet Force
A group of cadets from Glasgow and Lanarkshire Battalion had the privilege of paying a visit to BAE Systems’ Govan site for a tour of HMS Glasgow. In October
The new Type 26 Frigate, which is approaching its final stages of construction on Glasgow’s River Clyde, will be part of a new fleet set to partially replace the Type 23 Frigates currently employed by the Royal Navy.
Major Colin McCormack, Cadet Executive Officer of Glasgow and Lanarkshire Battalion, said of the tour on 21 October: ‘Commander Burgess, the Senior Naval Officer of HMS Glasgow, contacted me a few months ago about arranging this. It was a very kind offer that we were only too happy to accept.’
The visiting group consisted of ten Cadets from Govan Army Cadets – 6 Troop SCOTS DG, as well as two Adult Instructors. Also present for the tour were a number of visitors from the Sea Cadet Corps and Air Training Corps.
“I felt the trip was very well organised,” said Captain Raymond Bell, Detachment Commander. “We were
given an excellent brief about the ship and what its duties will be after launch, as well as an update on the shipyard itself and how it is growing. The Navy gave a fair tour to all attending, rather than just aiming it at the Sea Cadets. I would love to go back in a year’s time to see how it’s changed since this visit. The Cadets themselves seemed very engaged and also asked if they could come back to see HMS Glasgow next year when it will have been fitted out even further.”
Sergeant Instructor Chloe McGuinness had high praise for the quality of the visit to HMS Glasgow: “It was such a great opportunity, not just for the Cadets but for the adults too. It was a once in a lifetime chance to see the ins and outs of building a warship. The highlight of the tour was actually being able to go aboard the ship and look around. There was a ship simulator there too which was an incredible piece of technology; it allowed you to view even the smallest details of the ship at all the different levels! All in all it was a very educational visit. I felt our Cadets got a lot from it and it was great to see members of the Air and Sea Cadets there too.”
  Cadets from Glasgow and Lanarkshire Bn ACF visiting HMS Glasgow

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