Page 12 - QARANC Vol 14 No 9 2014
P. 12

                                 10 QARANC THE GAZETTE
The Branches continue their active programmes which I hope you will all continue to support.
26. Association members have marched at the Cenotaph for some time now. It has been gratifying in recent years to see some new and indeed younger faces taking part. It is a moving day and those who take part always enjoy the occasion. We are endeavouring to increase the number of tickets available to us as at the moment demand far outstrips supply. The start of the Remembrance weekend is the opening of the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey on the Thursday – we now have obtained more tickets for this element - and we would welcome more members attending this if possible.
27. So, in conclusion, the Association continues to prosper. Spreading the word about how we can assist our members – whether that is: Promoting and supporting branch activities; Providing financial assistance for those in need or supporting those who are undertaking adventurous training or taking part in representative sport – theses continues to be our main aims.
Remember the Association is here to help.
28. Finally, this is my last Chairman’s report – where have the 8 years gone? I would like to say that it has been a great privilege to serve as your Chairman – I have been very lucky to have had the help and support of a wonderful group of people who have served as Trustees during this time – I would like to express my thanks to them and in particular to Judy Evans and Heather Duncombe who have provided such sterling support to me in their roles as General Secretary. I will miss the involvement with the Corps and the Association at this level but whilst this phase of my ‘military career’ is ending, my connections with the Association will continue.
The adoption of the report was proposed by Col S Bush and seconded by Lt Col S Marshall
Item 5 – Media and Communication Update
29. Maj (Retd) D Calderwood introduced herself as the Media and Communications Sub-Committee Chairman. Maj Calderwood updated the members on the work that had recently been completed and the tasks that the committee were currently working on: QR Reader for the QARANC Memorial Plot and QARANC Notice board at the NMA and a proposed Remembrance book.
30. The QARANC Website was launched at the meeting with Maj (Retd) Calderwood giving a presentation on the website in particular showing members the home page and how to navigate the website. It was explained that that there would be a final stage to set up online applications and being able to pay using PayPay.
Item 6 Update - Presentation of Inspected Accounts for 2013 and Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer, Miss Cranwell-Child, reported that Mr Paul Chamberlain of Chamberlains Chartered Accountants had inspected all accounts in January 2013 with no adverse comments.
31. In the Central Fund, the total income at £214,743.99 was up by £13,495.41 on the 2012 figure. Donations were down nearly £5,196 and Investment income was up by £8,299 this is due to there being a small increase in our holding of investments. We received no legacies into the central fund during the year 2013.
32. Our Total expenditure was £157,982.89 this being a decrease by some £45,563.67 from the previous year as a result of there being a decreased expenditure on Grants and donations of £52,158. In 2012 a grant was made to the AMS Museum of £50,000. Management & Administration Costs were up by £5,103 mainly due to the cost towards the repair of Chattels and a new IT system being installed in RHQ for the General Secretary. Gazette Production Costs were up by £1,436. Governance charges – Our audit fee was £1,350 a small increase of £50 from 2012 resulting in an excess of expenditure over income of £56,761.10
33. Investments of restricted and unrestricted funds totalling a gain of £122,226.57 with our balance of last year carried forward of £2,073.880.58 giving us a final balance of £2,252,868.25 an increase of £178,987.70 The balance is made up of:
• Property of £126,405
• Fixtures & Fittings of £457.76
• An investment Portfolio with a market valuation of
• Net liquid cash of £132,353 (including debtors)
• Less Creditors £15,769.93
34. In the Benevolent Fund, the total income was £151,577.53 up on last year by £18,781.44 due to an increase in Investment income by £7,260.57. There was a decrease in legacies of £9,500 from last year. The Legacies received were from The Late Leslie Elder who gave £5,000, The Late Vera Winifred Harrison who gave £500 and The Late Mr Ronald Hawkridge who gave £20,000.
35. Total Expenditure was £69,957 which is down on last year by £18,445.78. Grants to other organisations were down by £19,125.01 on 2012 figures and management and administration was up by £629.23.
36. The income less expenditure resulted in an excess of income over expenditure of £81,620.42 a gain on investments of £74,379.14 reflecting the late upturn of the market last year.
With our balance of last year carried forward of £2,021,008.92 the final balance at the end of 2012 was £2,178,008.48. The balance is made up of :
• An investment Portfolio with a market valuation of
• Net liquid cash of £167,675.52 (including debtors)
37. The President signed the accounts and their adoption was proposed by Col K George and seconded by Col M Slattery.
38. It was unanimously agreed that Mr Paul Chamberlain be retained as the auditor for the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2014.
Item 7 - Report on the investments held by the QARANC Association
39. The investments of the Association are managed by

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