Page 59 - QARANC Vol 14 No 9 2014
P. 59

                                 THE GAZETTE QARANC 57
   Turning of the pages at The National
On 3rd June, a beautiful sunny day, the Ceremony of Turning the Pages of the QARANC Memorial Book was held at the QARANC Memorial Garden at the Arboretum, Litchfield. Headquarters had invited Association members as well as Regular and Reserve Units.
A few Branches had managed to send some representatives and there were a substantial number of serving personnel, all looking very smart. The service, led by Padre Stewart Young was held at the QARANC plot, and the organist was Mr Tipper. The new seats with the various crests of the Corps, surrounding the original QARANC memorial look impressive. The service was moving with relevant names being read from the Book of Remembrance by Reserve personnel, and a young Regular soldier laid the wreath.
Following the service a very nice buffet was provided and it was good to meet serving QARANC members and old friends again.
Marilyn Williams
  Visit to the National
Memorial Arboretum
On a hot day in July 10 members boarded a minibus bound for the National Memorial Arboretum. For many of us this was our first visit to this amazing place of peace & tranquillity, where we were able to remember & pay respect to those who have served and continue to serve our nation.
Branch members were able to stroll around the Arboretum and compare the wonderful memorials. We also dedicated a wreath at the QARANC Memorial, with one of our members reading the poem ‘Soldier Nurse’. We had lunch in visitors centre, and a few of us ended the day with a walk around the poignant memorial and tribute to those who were forced to construct the infamous Burma ‘Railway of Death’, a truly moving experience.
Here’s hoping for sunshine and the meeting up of friends during the rest of the year.

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