Page 17 - 2002 AMA Summer
P. 17
I know we don't have a 'letters page' in the AMA Journal, but having read Tania's article (The Death of Adventure Training), I felt I had to write in to strongly support her. I've never met her, but we have closely aligned views! During my time in JSMTC, which should have been enjoyable and rewarding, I was forever ‘pushing rocks uphill' trying to get people to understand that adventurous training must, by its very purpose and definition, contain a real risk of injury or death. Sad to say, some people were never able to grasp that and had the 'HSAW and litigation' cassette well and truly stuck fast. I also felt that the apparent primary purpose of a few officers was to make AT as difficult as possible for the average young officer or NCO!
At the risk of alienating my many friends in the APTC (past and present), my greatest irritation in JSMTC was the mindset of instructors who used the outdoors, whether water or mountain based, as a set of 'outdoor wall bars' on which to perform to an admiring audience! (I have to say that this was never a problem with either E2 seconded instructors or the civilian staff). This attitude will never be rectified until the APTC stranglehold on AT is broken, and, incidentally, I think Tania hit the nail on the head when she alluded to an apparent plot to ensure that only one Corps had a monopoly on 'high' qualifications.
The requirement to chase paper has spiralled out of control (I can recall genuine discussion over '8000m1qualifications!) and with it has gone the ethos which inspired me to follow in the footsteps of many great military mountaineers, explorers and leaders. Much of my mountaineer ing and paddling is now done out with the system- with likeminded
lunatics sharing a common ethos and sense of shared responsibility
(something like the AMA!) - because I dont need paperwork and form filling to ensure that I act in a responsible manner. Heaven help the leader of anyone who has the misfortune to suffer an accident!
Within the Services, adventurous things still happen, but despite the system', not because of it. Never mind 'Exercise Lotus Flower Dragon, may she rest in peace', we’re already well passed that: AT - RIP!
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RS. Those with a strong sense of irony on this subject should read “Campaigner's” contribution on pages 94-95 of British Army Review No 127!