Page 22 - Thrapston Life July 2024
P. 22

In and Around Thrapston
  Thrapston WI meet on the 1st Thursday of each month, at Thrapston Baptist Church.
We have an exciting programme planned for 2024, with a wide range of speakers and activities.
Contributing to the wonderful Thrapston community is important to us, and we continue to look for ways we can be involved. Summer will soon be here and we have plans for National Thank You day on Sunday 7th July. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for an update!
We are busy planning trips and outings for this year. Plans include pottery painting, Althorpe, Stamford and Stratford upon Avon.
Looking ahead to our regular meetings, in July, we have a demonstration from Icarus Falconers. Please note that, due to the General Election, our July meeting will be moved to 11th July. In August we have our annual fish and chip supper and social. Visitors are welcome.
Our enthusiastic skittles team is going from strength to strength, meeting every other Wednesday at Islip WMC, start time 7.30pm. Our walking group also continues to meet regularly, whatever the weather. As well as enjoying regular local walks, they also take part in walks organised by Northamptonshire Federation.
Do come along and see us. We’d love to meet you.
 Our meetings start at 7.30. Visitors fee £5.00, refreshments included.
More details can be found on our Facebook page: Thrapston WI – public page, or email us:
The children of Thrapston Primary School will be celebrating their fantastic achievements
this year on Friday 19th July with the school’s second Summer Celebration Day. There will
be performances from all classes during the afternoon, including singing, dancing and even samba! Our wonderful school choir will also be serenading the crowds with their voices.
There will also be opportunity to see some
of the children’s brilliant work from the year in our special gallery. Additionally, there will be a range of stalls, run by children and staff, as well as stalls run by local businesses. This is sure to be another fantastic day and a wonderful way to celebrate and mark the end of the school year. Fingers crossed for good weather!
   THRAPSTON PLAZA OPERA “La Bohème” – Auditions
Thrapston Plaza Opera will be holding Open Auditions for the solo roles in Puccini’s
‘La Bohème’ on Sunday 7th July at 2pm in Thrapston Plaza, Cosy Nook, NN14 4PS.
Experienced singers are invited to audition for the two lead female parts and the six
lead male parts. Chorus members are not auditioned but take part in an introductory rehearsal at the start. New members will
be made most welcome or anyone just interested in finding out a little more. Our operas are fully staged with orchestral accompaniment and always sung in English. Visit: email:
or call Vincent Davy, Music Director on 01832 733586.

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