Page 21 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 21
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
There was also time for fun and success in the sporting domain during this period:
• An AT package in the Lake District
• Coming top Sabre Sqn in the Princess of Wales’s Cup
• Multiple individual sport representa- tion; LCpl Norman (Army Diving), Cpl Coles (Army Fishing), Sgt Oldham (14th in Army Ski Champs).
Following the much needed Christmas break, the Regiment quickly found itself down in Knook Camp preparing for Ex
Wessex Storm. Desperate still for some Sqn level mounted training we bolted some more Plain time onto the exercise MEL just for good measure, and we were greeted with some particularly bracing weather. A few named storms were grizzed through as we entered the Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise phase – when the Sqn fired 4 x NLAWs and 2 x JAVELIN mis- siles, were supported by Wildcat Aviation providing over-head fire, and we even were afforded some moments of glorious sun, just as some keen young officer decided to conduct some navigation training through the middle of the live fire template appar- ently trying to breach the Sqn’s STAP. Fortunately, he was stopped and removed, but not until he had received praise from the Troops, who got to nab an hour or so’s
unscheduled sleep. What a hero!
Wessex Storm ended up being a great success. Not just from a Regimental
perspective, but also as it meant we got to see the fruits of all the autumn period’s labours. The Legion had worked its socks off but it was worth it for all to see on this exercise. Mounted manoeuvre, dis- mounted recces, road moves through Bath, and Raids aplenty – all with much praise from the Observer Mentors, even the extra critical former Legionnaire Capt Black! The Legion should be really proud of its efforts, and not least for having routed the enemy during the validation phase, includ- ing the slaying of the enemy Commanding Officer!
But no chance to dwell on too many vic- tories. On endex we switched fire imme- diately to preparing for a deployment to Poland for Ex Defender in May, and a look forward to a year of readiness, more train- ing and no doubt more fun.
Legion AT in the Lake District
Tpr Wheeler enjoying life
LCpl Lee on night ranges
Remembrance in Pembroke
Lt Riall about to be pasted by B Sqn SSM